Yichun Wenbifeng Primary School: Family and school work together to write a new chapter in education

Source: Today's video Released: 2024-05-06 11:54
Recently, Wenchifeng Primary School in Yichun City welcomed a new parents' meeting.

Recently, Wenchifeng Primary School in Yichun City welcomed a new parents' meeting. The parents' meeting aims to strengthen the communication and connection between home and school, jointly discuss the growth and development of students, and create a more harmonious and positive learning environment for children.

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At the beginning of the meeting, the school principal delivered an enthusiastic speech. He stressed the importance of home school cooperation and said that the school would continue to be committed to providing quality educational resources and environment for children. At the same time, he also encourages parents to actively participate in the children's education process and work together for the children's future.

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Then, the head teachers and teachers of each class introduced and analyzed the students' learning situation, behavior habits, mental health and other aspects in detail. Teachers used vivid cases and specific data to show parents the children's learning and living conditions in school, and also put forward constructive opinions and suggestions for the children's problems.

In the interactive link, parents spoke one after another, actively sharing their educational experience and confusion. They said that through this parents' meeting, they not only learned more about children's performance in school, but also learned a lot of practical educational methods and skills. At the same time, they also expressed their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the school's educational philosophy and teachers' hard work.

The parents' meeting not only strengthened the communication and understanding between home and school, but also provided an opportunity for parents to communicate face to face with school and teachers. It is believed that with the joint efforts of both parents and schools, the educational cause of Yichun Wenbifeng Primary School will be more prosperous, and children will also thrive in a more harmonious and positive environment. (Liu Xia)

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