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      Introduction to the deeds of "Jiangsu Good People List" in December 2020 - Pan Bingcheng

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    Pan Bingcheng, male, in January 1970, a member of the Communist Party of China and director of Lusha Luliu Management Office in Yangzhong City. Since working in Xisha Island in 1991, I have been here for 29 years, guarding and protecting the island. In 2017, a pump station with waterlogging prevention and drainage functions was built to solve the old problem of waterlogging. In 2019, under his leadership, Xisha Island hardened more than 1000 meters of cement roads, produced more than 1 million jin of cash crops for many consecutive years, and renovated more than 2000 meters of power lines. With his perseverance and efforts, Xisha Island introduced large grain growers, opened fish ponds, planted trees, and built dams; Self raised funds have been raised to repair more than 10 staff houses and purchase more machinery and equipment.

    Pan Bingcheng, the current director of the Xisha Luliu Management Office in Yangzhong City, joined the work in Xisha Island in 1991, served as the deputy director of the Xisha Luliu Management Office since 2002, and was appointed as the director of the Xisha Luliu Management Office in 2006. He has won many honors and was awarded as an advanced worker in 2007; Excellent Party Member in 2013; Excellent Communist Party member in 2017; In 2019, Pan Bingcheng's deeds were published by "Learning to Make China Strong".

    Not afraid of hardship, stick to the post

    Xisha Island, located on the Jiajiang River of the Yangtze River, covers an area of more than 1500 mu of beach. There are more than 800 mu of reed land, more than 300 mu of Ji Liu, more than 100 mu of river ponds, about 100 mu of planting land, more than 2400 meters of river levees, and more than 20 work sheds on the island.

    Two decades ago, Xisha Island had no power supply or running water, and some only had large reed beaches, fish ponds, willow forests and river embankments around the island. It is such a small island with few people, backward facilities and poor conditions. Pan Bingcheng has been here for 29 years, guarding and protecting the island.

    A 20 square meter red brick house is his daily duty place. A bamboo fence bed is the only furnishings in the house. The rustling mice on the roof accompany him all the year round. After 9 o'clock, the power is cut off. The food, clothing, housing and transportation are all on their own. They rest four days a month. The rest of the time is on the island. The traffic is a motorboat, The only entertainment on the island is watching TV for nearly 3 hours every night when the diesel generator is generating electricity.

    Pan Bingcheng was conscientious in his work. He had learned to sail, raised fish ponds, worked as a cashier, worked as a chief clerk and salesperson, and often actively gave up his vacation time to stick to his post. In 1999, Xisha Island was faced with poor economic benefits, and dismissed workers from Xisha Island to arrange employees to contract for the river pond and earn their own income. In the next three years, Pan Bingcheng obeyed the arrangement and contracted a 10 mu fish pond. The high temperature in summer never left a day to feed fish. In the cold winter, his hands were completely frozen. Three years of daily care ushered in the joy of harvest. The 10 mu fish pond produced more than 6000 jin. This experience made Pan Bingcheng experience hardships, honed his will, and deepened his understanding and feelings for Xisha Island through contact with the market. During his work, Pan Bingcheng took the initiative to ask for progress, strengthen political learning, and actively move closer to the party organization. In December 2003, he officially joined the Communist Party of China and became a glorious Communist Party member.

    Flood control

    Flood control is the first priority on the island. In July 1994, the levee of Xisha Island collapsed. Due to the lack of large transport machinery and human support, more than ten people, including Pan Bingcheng, stayed at the forefront of the crisis for seven days and nights. The staff of the island built an indestructible river levee line with straw bags, guarding the lifeline of Xisha Island. July 17 is the birthday of Pan Bingcheng's father. On this day, Pan Bingcheng has not left Xisha Island for 15 days. A flood in 1996 caused more than 20 levees to burst on Xisha Island. With the support of the organization, young and water savvy Pan Bingcheng fought in the front line of saving materials and building river levees to recover losses as much as possible and rebuild Xisha homes.

    Due to his personal experience, Pan Bingcheng has more deeply understood that safety should be the first priority, always remember the mission during his tenure, strictly prevent from sticking to the safety bottom line, and earnestly do a good job in flood control and safe production during the flood season. The annual flood season is from May 1 to October 1, and the important flood season is from June 1 to July 15 of the lunar calendar. During the flood season, Pan Bingcheng insisted on walking around the island every day, checking and watching the key port areas irregularly, carrying out preventive inspection on the important river embankment sections with potential safety hazards, repairing the loopholes in the river embankment in a timely manner, preventing problems before they happen, and ensuring the implementation of work safety.

    During his tenure, there was no safety accident in Xisha Island. In 2013, Xisha Island invested more than 800000 yuan to strengthen and repair the river embankment. In 2017, with the support of the government, a pump station with waterlogging prevention and drainage functions was built, which solved the old problem of waterlogging in the flood season.

    Green development and self-sufficiency

    In 2006, Pan Bingcheng was appointed as the director of the Lushui Management Office in Xisha, Yangzhong City. At that time, Xisha Island was heavily in debt, backward in production, and the original cash crop was declining. The first thing Pan Bingcheng did after he took office was to gather all the staff of the island and make a serious statement, "In the future, I will do the hardest work, I will be the hardest place, and I will be the last person to leave."

    In 2009, based on the analysis of the grain market, Pan Bingcheng made the second adjustment of the production structure on the island. He raised all his own funds to transform farmland on plots that were not suitable for planting trees and abandoned reed land, opened the production framework of combining planting and breeding, eliminated polluting breeding projects, and adhered to the development path of ecological breeding and green planting, It has formed a green Xisha with 150 mu of ecological breeding, 950 mu of green planting and more than 300 mu of seedling afforestation.

    In order to improve the living conditions on the island, he repaired the staff houses, repaired the toilets, and connected water and electricity on the island. In 2014, he led the employees on the island to transform the aging wires into modern high-voltage cables, so as to realize the safe power supply of the island. In the same year, he connected running water to Xisha Island and solved the problem of draught on the island. By 2019, Xisha Island has hardened more than 1000 meters of cement roads, produced more than 1 million jin of economic crops for many years in a row, added several sets of mechanical equipment, renovated more than 2000 meters of power lines across the island, and repaired more than 10 staff houses.

    The economy of Xisha Island has gradually recovered, the production structure has gradually transformed, the production mode has changed from purely manual to semi manual, and the operating condition has also changed from loss to profit. Now Xisha Island has been able to operate independently and self-sufficient. Pan Bingcheng, who is 51 years old this year, will walk around the riverbank every day after he goes to the island, talk with large farmers to understand the situation of seedlings, check fish pond breeding, etc., and put his work in the field. He said that only when he understands and masters the dynamics of the island at the first time, can he adjust and arrange his work in time.

    "If the country gives us more than 1000 mu of land to support ourselves, I will resign." Pan Bingcheng stood on the land of Xisha Island and swore so, and did so.

    Source: Qin Chunfeng, editor in charge of Jiangsu Civilization Network

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     Introduction to the deeds of "Jiangsu Good People List" in December 2020 - Pan Bingcheng

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