The first secretary of the Party organization of villages (residents) in Nimu County held a pre post training class in Beijing
2023-06-21 14:27:43 Source: Nimu Release

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On the morning of June 20, the first secretaries of the Party organizations in the villages (residents) of Nimu County went to Beijing for centralized pre job training, which was successfully started in Beijing Agricultural College. Zhao Miao, Director of the Training Department of Beijing Agricultural University, presided over the opening ceremony, Dojeepsang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Nimu Township and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, made a mobilization speech, and 33 first secretaries of party organizations in all villages (residents) of the county participated in the training.

Zhao Miao, on behalf of Beijing Agricultural University, warmly welcomed the opening of the training course and put forward three hopes. We should firmly believe in and always maintain the political direction of loyalty. Closely centering on the requirements of "stressing politics, abiding by rules, and strengthening skills", we should maintain a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee in action, resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the districts, cities and counties, and ensure that the party speaks for the party, cares for the party, serves the party, listens to the party's words, feels the party's favor, and follows the party; Play a key role in the implementation of the "five key tasks" in the village, establish a good image, conscientiously perform their duties, work hard and skillfully, empower, pressure and encourage the first secretary of the grass-roots party organization, promote the realm of improvement, compare and surpass, and be a good "leader" in promoting rural revitalization.

We should study hard and practice hard to improve our ability to perform our duties. All trainees should correct their attitude with the requirements of "strictness" and "practicality". They should take the lead in learning with questions, practice, and the first secretary, constantly improve their theoretical literacy, build the foundation of belief, supplement the calcium of spirit, and strive to apply what they learn, use it to promote learning, and learn from it. They should constantly enhance their fighting skills, face difficulties and problems, and dare to face difficulties and take responsibility, Try to transform learning achievements into hard and practical ways to promote work.

We should love our jobs and work hard. Participants should apply the learning theory to practice, re recognize, re learn and improve in practice, be good at summarizing the valuable experience gained in practice, constantly improve their own quality and innovation awareness, strive to transform knowledge into personal ability, face problems and difficulties, dare to stand up and shoulder the burden, always maintain a high sense of responsibility, be down-to-earth and work hard.

The meeting required that all trainees should cherish the training opportunity in Beijing, fully understand the bottleneck constraints faced by the current village (residence) development through training, accurately judge the weak points, always maintain the strategic positioning of rural revitalization, further strengthen the sense of mission and honor of development confidence, pioneering and striving to be the first, and promote the long-term stability and high-quality development of the village (residence).

All trainees should earnestly improve their political position, earnestly study and practice their skills, practically improve the pertinence and practicality of this training, consolidate the political foundation, train their excellent skills, improve their comprehensive ability and quality, and pay close attention to the training work to achieve results.

Participants should obey the leadership and college management, be strict with requirements and difficulties, strictly abide by work and life disciplines, complete the learning and training tasks of the day on time and in quantity, and shape and maintain the civilized image and good learning style of excellent cadres in Nimu.

Editor in charge: Sonantsom
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