Liu Yafei and his party went to Beijing Shunyi District People's Court for exchange and study
2022-08-03 11:32:40 Source: Nimu

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Recently, Liu Yafei, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and president of the People's Court of Nimu County, and a delegation of four people went to the People's Court of Shunyi District, Beijing, to carry out exchange and study. Wang Xiaoyan, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and president of the People's Court of Shunyi District, Beijing, and other court leaders accompanied them throughout the visit.

The delegation led by Liu Yafei visited the demonstration base for party building team building of Shunyi District People's Court, the exhibition hall for learning and education of party history, the police command center, the construction of "six specialties and four rooms", the file inquiry center, the litigation service center, the integrity education base, the litigation and mediation docking center, the Executive Bureau, Niulanshan Court, Tianzhu Court and other places, We learned about the infrastructure and cultural construction of the People's Court of Shunyi District on the spot, and believed that the highlights of the work of the People's Court of Shunyi District are worthy of reference and promotion by the People's Court of Nimu County, which is of great significance to the future development of the People's Court of Nimu County.

At the forum for joint construction, Wang Xiaoyan, on behalf of the People's Court of Shunyi District, extended a warm welcome to Liu Yafei and his delegation, highly affirmed the positive efforts made by the People's Court of Nimu County over the years to maintain national stability, national unity, ecological protection and other aspects, and introduced the work of the People's Court of Shunyi District in detail, putting forward hopes for a deeper Promote exchanges and exchanges between the two academies in a higher quality, and build a cooperation and co construction idea of "comprehensive twinning pattern".

Liu Yafei, on behalf of the People's Court of Nimu County, thanked the People's Court of Shunyi District for its selfless assistance for a long time, and introduced in detail the basic situation, highlight work, outstanding achievements in recent years, development of assistance work and main difficulties of the People's Court of Nimu County. In combination with the actual situation of Nimu County People's Court, it proposed the next step to hope that the "two courts" would strengthen cooperation in talent training, smart court construction, court culture construction, assistance mechanism, etc., learn from each other's excellent experience, strive to improve the level of judicial service, promote the quality and efficiency of trial execution, and constantly enhance the brotherly friendship between the "two courts".

Editor in charge: Zhang Qiongyu
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