Zhou Kai makes youth bloom in the snow covered plateau
2022-05-05 17:04:11 Source: Lhasa Daily

Aid to Tibet means both dedication and challenge. Three years ago, Zhou Kai set foot on the road of Tibet aid with a commitment and a heart, serving as the leader of education and Tibet aid and the deputy director of Lhasa Municipal Education Bureau. In the past three years, Zhou Kaili has taken the lead in setting an example to let youth bloom in the snow covered plateau.

In Baiding Campus of Beijing Middle School in Lhasa, Zhou Kai led reporters to visit the physical, chemical, biological, political, historical and geographical laboratories of the school. Three years ago, when Zhou Kai first came to Lhasa, the new campus was still a blank sheet of paper. Except for several buildings that had sprung up, there were not many hardware and software facilities. As the leader of education and aid to Tibet, Zhou Kai actively communicated and coordinated with the headquarters of Beijing's aid to Tibet, and invested 20 million yuan in more than two years to complete the improvement and construction of hardware in Lhasa Beijing Middle School. Zhou Kai said: "Hardware and software construction is the basis of education, and education is a vital way to change a family."

"A student who goes to college may have to get rid of poverty at home. If his next generation receives a good education and goes to college again, it may not only be a problem of getting rid of poverty, but also a qualitative leap in the whole family, which is the meaning of our work," said Zhou Kai.

As a former front-line teacher, Zhou Kai always believes that education pays attention to feelings and dedication, and he has positioned himself first as a teacher, an educator, and then as a management cadre. After his busy work, he often came to the school to understand the needs of teachers and students, and often went into the classroom without saying hello.

"Zhou Kai often comes to listen to our lectures and gives corresponding comments, which is very practical and instructive for us." Yang Liu, a Tibetan aid teacher at Lhasa Beijing Experimental Middle School, told reporters, "He is also very easy-going, funny and silent when he gets along with us. Everyone likes to communicate with Zhou Kai."

During the aid to Tibet, Zhou Kai mobilized his colleagues and college students in Beijing to participate in Tibetan education, some donated books to schools, some donated down jackets, some donated oxygen generators... Zhou Kai and eight friends and colleagues also helped nine Tibetan students with a monthly subsidy of 300 yuan.

Wang Dui, a student of Lhasa Beijing Middle School, is the object of Zhou Kai's financial support. He comes from Gangba County, Shigatse, and has six brothers and sisters in his family. For Wangdui, Zhou Kai is like his father. "From the first year of senior high school to the third year of senior high school, Mr. Zhou provided me with living assistance every month. He also came to school to see me, chat with me, ask me about my study and physical condition, and encouraged me to take the university entrance exam in Beijing. He said he could find him when I went to Beijing. He is a kind and helpful teacher, and he is very grateful to him," said Wangdui.

Zhou Kai helped Tibet in 2019, but he is no stranger to Tibet. Zhou Kai sent fresh graduates from Beijing to work in Lhasa for two consecutive years in 2017 and 2018 when he served as the deputy director of the College Student Department of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission. On one occasion, Zhou Kai was deeply impressed by the question of a graduate student of the People's Public Security University of China, which also inspired him to help Tibet.

"She asked me, Mr. Zhou, if you encouraged us to work in Tibet and in the border areas, would you also work in Tibet? At that time, a quick flash occurred in my mind, and I replied to the girl that if I had the opportunity, I would like to go to Tibet to exercise myself." Zhou Kai said, "In 2019, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission issued a notice to select a cadre to work in Tibet. I did not hesitate to apply for the post, and started a three-year trip to Tibet, which is also a fulfillment of my original promise."

Beijing had five counterpart schools in Lhasa, but the teachers were relatively scattered, and their driving ability was limited. After Zhou Kailai, he reorganized the education resources to aid Tibet, adjusted the original five schools to three, and drove and radiated other schools through these three schools, which achieved relatively obvious results. In the 2021 college entrance examination, the online rate of Lhasa Beijing Experimental Middle School is 100%, the undergraduate rate is 93.28%, and the heavy base rate is 58.99%; The online rate of Beijing middle schools in Lhasa is 99%; The undergraduate rate is 92%, and the heavy undergraduate rate is 65%. The college entrance examination results of both schools have reached a record high. This is also something that Zhou Kai is proud of.

"In the past three years, I have gained a lot personally. When I was in Beijing, I was still responsible for a specific task. When I came here, I played my own role, which has greatly helped me improve my personal ability. Thank you for Lhasa, Tibet, and Tibet assistance. The day of returning to Beijing is coming, and the most important thing at present is to do a good job in the handover of assistance to Tibet, so that the baton of education and assistance to Tibet can be passed on. " Zhou Kai said.

Journalist Yu Yangyang from Lhasa Media

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