home page > Dynamics of Tibet aid
Develop cooperative economy, promote employment and increase income
Xu Dezhi and his delegation went to Nimu to investigate the high-quality development planning of rural water supply
Tsewang Dorje held a discussion with enterprise representatives on wind power projects
Nimu Central Primary School grandly held a series of activities to celebrate the June 1st holiday
The theme research and comprehensive practical education activity in Nimu County was successfully completed
The first training class for young cadres in Nimu County will be completed in 2024
The police of Majiang Township Police Station rescued stranded tourists
Ciwangduojie supervised the progress of water conservancy projects in Nimu County
Prefectures and counties in Tibet
Prefectures and counties in Tibet
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Copyright: Nimu County People's Government Technical support: Tibet Media Group Website ID: 5401230001
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