Pubuzasi visited Tarong Town for investigation and condolence to the village team
2024-05-08 17:17:55 Source: Nimu Release

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On May 7, Pubuzasi, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Lhasa Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, visited Tarong Town, Nimu County, investigated and visited the village team, accompanied by Nima Cidan, Deputy Secretary of Nimu County Party Committee and General Leader of the village team.

In Xuela Village, Pubzaxi visited the village work team, sent them consolation gifts and the care of the party organization, held a discussion with the village work team, village cadres, and rural revitalization professionals, asked them about their daily life, physical conditions, and family conditions in detail, and understood the recent work priorities, difficulties and problems in the village. At the same time, They fully affirmed their hard work and achievements in the past year.

Pubzaxi stressed that the village team should closely cooperate with the "two committees" of the village, earnestly implement the requirements of the superior party committee and government for the village work, continue to carry forward the fine style of serving the people wholeheartedly, actively help Xuela Village to realize the transformation and upgrading of the village's collective industry, promote the development of rural revitalization industry, and drive the people to increase income and become rich; It is necessary to give full play to the resource advantages of the original unit, actively preach the environmental protection concepts such as garbage classification to the masses, and earnestly enhance the environmental protection awareness of the masses; In combination with the actual situation of each village, we should work with the villagers to find ideas and ways to promote rural development by all means and make sure that the Party's series of policies for the benefit of the people come into effect.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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