Nimu County Meteorological Bureau: artificial precipitation helps spring ploughing and spring sowing
2024-05-06 11:54:39 Source: Nimu

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Since late April, Nimu County has had a lot of windy weather, dry air and higher temperature than the same period of previous years. The situation of forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing in the whole county is severe. In order to cope with the hot and dry weather, the meteorological department seized the favorable conditions to implement the artificial precipitation in time.

On the night of May 4, Nimu County Meteorological Bureau comprehensively studied and judged the weather conditions, actively coordinated with the Human Shadow Office of the Municipal Meteorological Bureau to select two experts and a mobile rocket operating equipment, and carried out rain enhancement operations at the mobile operating point of weather modification in Pusong Township. As of 08:00 on May 5, light rain had fallen throughout the county, with the maximum rainfall of 6.9 mm in the township, effectively reducing the meteorological fire risk level of forest and grassland under the jurisdiction, It has a positive impact on increasing soil moisture and improving air quality.

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In the next step, Nimu County Meteorological Bureau will continue to closely monitor weather changes, timely carry out precipitation enhancement operations, continue to help spring plowing and spring sowing, and promote forest and grassland fire prevention and control and air pollution prevention.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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Copyright: Nimu County People's Government Technical support: Tibet Media Group Website ID: 5401230001
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