Lv Hongbo and his delegation went to Chengdu, Sichuan, to investigate the agricultural industrial park
2024-04-15 12:07:29 Source: Nimu Release

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On April 12, a five member delegation led by Lv Hongbo, Deputy County Chief of Nimu County, went to Pengzhou City, Chengdu, Sichuan Province to study and investigate, focusing on vegetable planting, intelligent equipment, deep processing, integrated development, subject cultivation and other aspects of work, as well as the park's operation and management experience and practices. Zhou Xianlin, Deputy Director of Pengzhou Agricultural and Rural Bureau, and Ma Yibo, Secretary of the Party Committee of Pengzhou Rural Investment Development Co., Ltd.

In Pengzhou Fengxia Specialized Vegetable Production and Marketing Cooperative, China Vegetable Expo, Sichuan Minfuji Food Co., Ltd. and other places, the delegation had a comprehensive understanding of the production, preliminary processing, sales and other aspects of the vegetable planting industry, as well as the planting technology and planting benefits of greenhouse vegetables through field visits, on-site questions and other forms, And sincerely invite the leaders of Pengzhou Agricultural and Rural Bureau to come to Nigeria to guide the work.

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In the next step, Nimu County will take this learning and investigation activity as an opportunity, learn from good practices and development experience, and combine the actual situation of Nimu to formulate organic planting development plan, so as to provide a strong driving force for rural revitalization.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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