Tsewang Dorje and his delegation went to Changzhou, Jiangsu Province to carry out investment promotion activities
2024-04-11 12:34:12 Source: Nimu Release

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In order to better understand the development status and advanced experience of clean energy, on April 9, a delegation led by Si Wangduojie, deputy secretary of Nimu County Party Committee and head of Nimu County, came to Jintan District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province to carry out investment promotion activities, and visited Changzhou Yijing Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Changyou Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., and Dongfang Risheng (Changzhou) New Energy Co., Ltd, We had an in-depth understanding of the production process of photovoltaic modules and wind power modules, and had extensive and in-depth discussions with enterprise representatives on the development trend, policy support, cooperation intention and other aspects of clean energy. Liu Xiaoping, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Jintan District Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Changzhou, accompanied us.

Tsewang Dorje pointed out that Tibet is rich in potential resources such as light and wind energy and has broad prospects for development. Relying on standardized factory buildings and railway logistics ports, Nimu County has outstanding advantages in the assembly and transportation of clean energy equipment.

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Tsewang Dorje said that the study and investigation was fruitful, which not only increased his knowledge, broadened his horizon, but also broadened his thinking. The county party committee and the county government attach great importance to the work of attracting investment, pay close attention to the development of enterprises, and sincerely invite entrepreneurs to invest in Nigeria and seek common development. In the next step, Nimu County will actively promote the development of clean energy industry in combination with the local actual situation, gradually transform the resource advantages into economic development advantages, and make greater contributions to achieving high-quality economic and social development.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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