Du Kaifan went to the riverside of Nijmaqu and the water source of the county to carry out river patrol work
2024-03-15 09:07:28 Source: Nimu Release

On March 13, Du Kaifan, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and chairman of the CPPCC in Nimu County, went to the riverside of Nimu Maqu and the water source of the county to carry out river patrol supervision, accompanied by the main heads of the county water bureau, Tarong Town and other units.

During the supervision and inspection, Du Kaifan inspected the environmental sanitation improvement of the water sources along the coast of Nijmaqu and the county seat on the spot, and put forward specific requirements for the next step of river and lake master system.

Du Kaifan stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, further improve the political position, adhere to the problem orientation, take the initiative, strictly and practically implement the river lake leader system and water source protection work, and promote the comprehensive improvement of the water ecological environment; It is necessary to further enhance the sense of responsibility, urgency and mission, carefully sort out and establish the problem account, clarify the responsibility, measures and time limit for rectification, focus on the implementation of rectification of all kinds of problems in rivers and water sources, and take practical actions to ensure that the water ecological environment quality of rivers, lakes and water sources under the jurisdiction continues to be stable and good; It is necessary to tighten the responsibilities of river and lake leaders at all levels, strengthen the sense of responsibility, strengthen the coordination and cooperation between departments and regions, form a joint force of work, truly see action, cohesion, strict supervision, focus on finding problems, promote the solution of problems, and form a strong joint force of joint management; It is necessary to continue to perform the duties of river and lake leaders at all levels, frequently go into rivers and water sources for inspection, understand the outstanding problems in the river sections and water sources under their management, carefully study countermeasures, strive to avoid old problems and new problems, and fully promote the effective implementation of the river and lake leader system and water source protection tasks.

Editor in charge: Ge Sangyangzong
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