Bassan and his delegation went to Nimu County to inspect and guide the work of poverty alleviation through health
2023-12-12 12:41:02 Source: Nimu Release

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From December 9 to December 10, Ba Sang, director of Lhasa Municipal Health Commission, and his delegation went to Nimu County to check and guide the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of health poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. Cao Wei, deputy head of Nimu County, accompanied the inspection.

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The inspection team was divided into two groups and went to the township hospitals and village clinics in Nimu County to inspect the dynamic management system of health poverty alleviation, the signing and follow-up management of chronic diseases, public health services, basic medical services, maternal management and the signing and performance of family doctors. The inspection team provided on-site guidance for grass-roots health institutions to consolidate and expand the achievements of health poverty alleviation through consulting data, checking the platform and paper account, household inspection and other ways. Randomly check the poverty free households, ask whether the poverty free households enjoy the policies of "diagnosis and treatment first, payment later" and "one-stop settlement", check the service manual signed by family doctors, verify the authenticity of the service content, and ask people about their physical health and satisfaction with the family doctor team. During this period, we carried out business exchanges with the staff of township hospitals and village clinics, and put forward guidance and suggestions on the implementation of policies such as "contracted services for chronic diseases, centralized treatment for serious diseases, policy coverage for serious diseases, and contracted family doctors to perform their duties", as well as the establishment of standing books, archiving and sorting of data.

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The inspection team affirmed the achievements of Nimu County's health system in consolidating and expanding health poverty alleviation achievements and effectively linking them with rural revitalization, and gave professional guidance on the problems found in the inspection. Taking this inspection and guidance as an opportunity, the county health system will continue to carry out the "Ten Screening" action, further implement various assistance policies, ensure that the consolidation and expansion of health poverty alleviation achievements and the effective connection of rural revitalization work highlight the key points, help the people solve practical difficulties with heart and emotion, and effectively improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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