2000 large cherry saplings aided by Beijing Shunyi District were successfully transported to Nimu County
2023-10-16 12:28:49 Source: Lhasa Daily

A few days ago, 2000 large cherry saplings in Nimu County, aided by Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, crossed 4000 kilometers and were successfully transported to the greenhouse of Tunmi Modern Agricultural Industrial Park. With this batch of seedlings landing and taking root, Nimu County's modern characteristic agricultural industry will step into the "fast lane" of improving quality and efficiency, further demonstrating and leading the masses to increase their income and become rich by technology, so that the seedlings of friendship that Shunyi Nimu has provided assistance to Tibet will blossom and bear fruit on the banks of Yajiang River.

At 10 am that day, reporters in Tunmi Modern Agricultural Industrial Park saw that five trucks loaded with large cherry seedlings were parked in the park in order. Relevant staff in Longwantun Town and Nimu County were organizing and coordinating workers to carefully transport tree seedlings to the greenhouse. Although the autumn wind was accompanied by bursts of cold, the scene of tree seedlings handover was hot. From the North China Plain to the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, it is not only a long journey but also passes through many climatic zones. In order to ensure the safe arrival of seedlings, Longwantun Town has organized technical experts to design the transportation scheme as early as possible: omni-directional straw mats, root transplant packaging, careful maintenance during transportation, etc., and take various protective measures to make a complete landing of large cherry seedlings in Nimu County.

It is reported that after the arrival of the big cherry seedlings, Longwantun Town will arrange an expert team to assist the planting personnel in Nimu County in planting big cherries, and simultaneously train and guide local growers to promote new varieties and planting technologies of big cherries. It is estimated that the big cherry will be harvested in June next year, with a yield of about 2000 jin.

"We will rely on the town's brand system of Longwan quality manufacturing and science and technology to promote agriculture, and invite technical experts and professors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to plant and cultivate together with local farmers in Nimu County, so as to strive for early flowering and fruiting, create a characteristic industry, drive local people to increase income, and help rural revitalization." Ma Xinchun, member of the Party Committee and deputy mayor of Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, told reporters.

"The 2000 cherry planting project in Nimu County aided by Longwantun Town was promoted by the Beijing Tibet Assistance Headquarters in the early stage with great attention and coordination. Next, we will vigorously promote rural revitalization through this expert technical assistance and planting assistance to Tibet, and reflect the strong results of the Tibet assistance work with the actual results of rural revitalization." Li Zhongfu, deputy county head, told reporters.

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