Zhao Tieling and Nimu Yak Standardized Fattening Base, Majiang General Farm
2023-05-11 16:33:05 Source: Nimu

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On the morning of May 9, Zhao Tieling, secretary of the Nimu County Party Committee, went deep into the Majiang General Yard of Nimu County Yak Standardized Fattening Base for investigation and guidance, listened to the situation of yak stocking, marketing, breeding, economic benefits and artificial grass planting projects, understood the difficulties faced by the industrial development in detail, and put forward guidance on how to break the bottleneck of difficulties, expand the industrial development, and promote the income of the masses.

Zhao Tieling stressed that the operation mode should be optimized to improve quality and efficiency. Each breeding industry point in the county should play the role of "point to point" cadres as a model and guide, and continue to explore a new model of cooperative operation linking with the interests of the masses and constantly promote the quality and efficiency of the breeding industry by combining "livestock shareholding" with "foster custody", "stocking" with "semi housing", and "cadres leading" with "masses leading". We should follow the market orientation and focus on standardization. Adhere to market-oriented and benefit oriented approach, check revenue and expenditure, standardize operation management, solve problems such as facility maintenance, feed supply, market development, reduce operating costs, improve industrial efficiency, pay equal attention to livestock production and marketing, and promote a virtuous circle of the industry. We should stimulate endogenous power to change our thinking. The majority of Party members and cadres should practice the purpose of serving the people, take the "Year of Style Construction" as an opportunity, adhere to the principle of eating, living, working and improving with the masses, continue to guide the masses to abandon the idea of "waiting for what is needed", stimulate endogenous motivation, enhance the sense of ownership, and truly transform "blood transfusion" into "blood making", and "making me rich" into "making me rich". We should base ourselves on target orientation to promote income growth. Implement the "124" working mechanism of the "point-to-point" cadre development industry project, optimize the breeding structure of yaks and other livestock groups according to local conditions, strengthen communication and coordination, improve the marketing rate of yaks, pigs, sheep and other breeding industries, drive more people to increase income and become rich, and constantly improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people.

Editor in charge: Sonantsom
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