Nimtuan County Party Committee held the material distribution ceremony of "I have a home in Beijing"
2023-02-01 16:58:53 Source: Qingchun Nimu

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On January 19, the Nimuduan County Party Committee organized the primary schools in Nimuduan County to hold a material distribution ceremony of "I have a home in Beijing".

At the activity site, Zhang Xin, secretary of the Youth League County Party Committee, distributed 13 items to the students, including the Youth Beijing Notebook Set, the Beijing Youth League Mug Set, the Beijing Youth League Umbrella, the Youth Beijing Canvas Bag, the Beijing University Impression Bamboo Ruler Set, and pencils. Zhang Xin encouraged the students to study hard, study hard and make achievements in their studies, give full play to their intelligence to benefit Sangzi, repay the society and make their own contributions to national unity.

The students who were helped expressed their gratitude to the Party, thanked the Beijing Youth League Municipal Committee, Beijing Youth Development Foundation and caring people for their help, and said that they would study hard, work hard and actively safeguard national unity in the future. When he grows up, he will serve the motherland, pass on his love, and live up to the ardent expectations of Beijing's caring units and caring people.

In the next step, the Nimutuan County Party Committee will continue to do a good job in the service of exchanges and exchanges between Nimutuan and Beijing teenagers, take material and spiritual help, promote national unity, create a comfortable living and learning environment for the growth of teenagers, and support a blue sky for teenagers with love.

Editor in charge: Sonantsom
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