Nimu County attaches great importance to the construction of specialized teams for rural revitalization
2022-12-14 16:39:25 Source: Tibet Daily

In recent years, Nimu County has always adhered to the cultivation and utilization of rural revitalization professionals, and paid close attention to the construction of rural revitalization professionals, which not only enriched the grass-roots work force, promoted rural revitalization, but also promoted the improvement of style and the implementation of work in a healthy and orderly manner along the right direction.

Rely on the Party School of Nimu County Party Committee to carry out a three-day pre job training for all staff, to help rural revitalization professionals to enter the role as soon as possible; Organize 12 rural revitalization professionals to visit Shunyi, Beijing and Zhejiang University in batches to broaden their horizons; Organize 27 rural revitalization professionals to participate in the demonstration class training held by the Municipal Party School by stages; Organize members of the rural team to pair up and contact with rural revitalization professionals to help guide and impart experience; According to personal ability and professional expertise, we will arrange work for each rural revitalization specialist in a planned way, and effectively improve their ability to deal with complex contradictions and solve practical problems.

Combine the advantages of rural revitalization professionals, such as wide access to information, more knowledge and strong acceptance ability, and strive to make them become various policy propagandists, agricultural technology instructors, product market developers, advanced cultural communicators and village affairs processing coordinators. In the past three years, rural revitalization professionals have carried out 298 propaganda activities, answered more than 380 public policy consultations, sorted out and reported nearly 1000 pieces of social conditions and public opinions; A total of 230 civil disputes have been coordinated and handled, 60 suggestions have been made to strengthen the village level collective economy, and 7 villages (residents) have exceeded 1 million yuan in collective economic returns for two consecutive years.

At the same time, in order to relieve the worries of rural revitalization and encourage them to take root at the grass-roots level and serve the masses, Nimu County immediately handled the relevant procedures such as salary, personnel files and household registration management; Apply for basic old-age insurance, medical insurance for urban employees, maternity insurance, unemployment insurance, etc; Subsidies such as seniority pay and monthly communication fees have been implemented. A total of 78000 yuan of travel allowance for leave has been granted, and a one-time settlement allowance of 201 thousand yuan has been granted.

In addition, the work mode of reporting to the village (residents) once a month, reporting to the township party committee once a half year, and reporting to the organization department of the county party committee at the end of the year is promoted, so as to deeply understand and master the performance of the rural revitalization professionals. In the past three years, members of the rural leadership and rural revitalization professionals have held 221 heart to heart talks, and 8 people have criticized and educated; Implement the work report and assessment once a year. In the past three years, there have been 16 persons who have been rated as excellent in rural revitalization, and 5 persons who have been rated as excellent for two consecutive years, accounting for 17.9%. The assessment results have been taken as an important basis for selection, employment, evaluation and priority, to stimulate enthusiasm for rural revitalization. (Reporter Rabassam)

Editor in charge: Sonantsom
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