The National Common Language Training Class for Village (Resident) Cadres in Nimu County Opens
2022-07-19 17:11:01 Source: Nimu

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On July 17, the opening ceremony of the national common language training class for village (resident) cadres in Nimu County and the training class for key cadres of the "big propaganda, big research, big investigation and big implementation" activity was held.

The meeting pointed out that carrying out the training of national common language is an urgent need to implement the spirit of the seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee and the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Tibet. It is also a practical need to implement Secretary Wang Junzheng's proposal to Lhasa to be a good "seven pioneers", and it is also a need to improve the quality of village (residential) cadres The internal need to speed up the strategic task of rural revitalization is also a specific measure to vigorously promote the "four major activities" currently being carried out. It should be taken seriously from the perspective of economic development and enriching the people and the county, and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility, urgency and consciousness of learning.

The meeting required that each student should cherish the opportunity, quickly change their roles, really get down, calm down, listen carefully, concentrate on learning, practice hard, and make sure that they have learned something, achieved something, and applied what they learned.

The meeting emphasized that the trainees should put their positions and roles in the right place, consciously abide by the school discipline and rules, follow the arrangement of the attendant administrator, obey the management, pay attention to safety, establish a good image, not be late and leave early, not drink and gamble, violate the eight central regulations and epidemic prevention and control requirements.

Editor in charge: Sonantsom
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Copyright: Nimu County People's Government Technical support: Tibet Media Group Website ID: 5401230001
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