Nimu County Held Literature and Art Performance Activities to Celebrate July 1
2022-07-04 12:24:32 Source: Nimu

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Recently, Nimu County held the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the mass celebration "July 1st" theme art performance activity of "Building a solid sense of the Chinese national community, rejuvenating the country with me" in the street center park. Dawa Ciren, a member of the Party Leadership Group and a second level researcher of the Cultural Bureau of Lhasa, Luo Sangzaxi, secretary of the Lhasa Song and Dance Troupe and a national first level actor, Du Guojun, secretary of the Nimu County Party Committee, Tsewang Duojie, deputy secretary of the County Party Committee and head of the County, and local county leaders attended the event.

The performance is dominated by Nimu County Folk Art Troupe and village level literary and art teams, and arranges some finalists of the "barley fragrance" Nimu audition and some winners of the "Book Fragrance Lhasa" farmers and herdsmen national common language recitation competition at the city and county levels, and invites Lhasa Song and Dance Troupe and Hahu Quyi Society to celebrate the "July 1st" together The reading activity of "feeling the leader's demeanor and tempering the perfect style" and popularizing the national common language and characters, performed 16 programs including solos, dances, recitations and skits, such as "The State", "The Party's grace will never be forgotten", "I came from the Liangjia River", "Welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Party". The program was rich in content and varied in performance forms, attracting more than 600 cadres and masses to watch it on the spot. Applause and cheers came one after another, further creating a strong atmosphere for welcoming the 20th CPC National Congress.
Editor in charge: Sonantsom
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