Lingang Village, Nimu County: build a beautiful village and a happy home
2022-06-17 09:35:15 Source: Tibet Daily

Poverty alleviation is not the end, but the starting point of a new life and struggle.

Taking over the "baton" of promoting the effective connection between comprehensive poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, Nimu County, Lhasa City, in recent years, has thoroughly implemented the central government's decision and deployment on implementing the rural revitalization strategy, and actively explored and innovated based on its own advantages in accordance with the general requirements of industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural civilization, effective governance, and affluent life, We have solidly promoted the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation achievements and effectively linked them with rural revitalization, and achieved remarkable results.

In 2021, Nimu County plans to implement the construction action plan of "beautiful villages and happy homes" in 8 villages, with a total planned investment of 175.5534 million yuan. Lingang Village is among them. Now, what changes have taken place in Lingang Village. Let's see——

Qiang Baduoji, a villager in Lingang Village, Nimu County, often ponders how to decorate his new home in his yard. At the end of last month, the dilapidated mud house that Qiang Baduoji had lived in all his life changed its appearance in the whole village promotion project of the "beautiful countryside and happy home" construction action plan. As soon as the house was repaired, he could not wait to move in.

Qiang Baduoji takes great care of his new home, cleaning the yard and taking care of flowers and plants whenever he is free.

"This time, the construction company also helped me build a separation wall between people and livestock. The residential area and the breeding area were completely separated. There were fewer flies and my home was clean. Moreover, the newly installed solar street lights at the door made me feel more comfortable when I went home at night." Qiangbaduoji said, "When I moved into the new home, I was not so happy. I never thought I could live in such a good house."

In August 2021, the whole village promotion project of the "Beautiful Village · Happy Home" construction action plan of Lingang Village was launched. The old houses in the whole village were upgraded, some new houses were built, activity squares, separation walls for people and livestock, garbage sorting houses, solar street lamps, irrigation ditches, etc. were built, and the whole village was greened, lightened and hardened, and the existing infrastructure was upgraded, Simultaneously improve the village health environment. After the completion of the project, more than 1600 people from 366 households will be benefited.

Following Li Qinglong, the person in charge of the project site, we visited the present panorama of Lingang Village. Cement hardened roads lead to the door of the house, and solar street lamps stand on both sides of the road, becoming a scenic spot in the village.

Rabaczeren, a villager, told the reporter that before this, the living environment of the villagers in Lingang Village was very different from that of today. When going out, the narrowest part of the road is no more than 1m, and even tricycles can't pass. His relatives have contracted several greenhouses at the entrance of the village, and they often go to help when they are free. But as soon as it rains, he will be worried about the inconvenience of his legs and feet. He is afraid of falling down accidentally. "It's good now. It's very convenient to go out to help after hardening the road and installing street lights," said Labaziren.

Lingang Village is a traditional village formed naturally. Villagers live in scattered places. There are 7 natural village groups along the line, with the longest distance of more than 20 kilometers. According to Li Qinglong, this transformation and upgrading fully considered the natural environment of Lingang Village, adhered to the working concept of "not letting one household go", and built 27 hardening group roads and more than 300 household roads. Hardened roads were also built at the entrance of villagers' houses in the ravines.

Li Qinglong said that up to now, the project has completed more than 95% of the progress. The reporter asked, where is the 5% progress? Following Li Qinglong, the reporter and his party came to the top of the mountain ten kilometers away from the village committee. The two houses being rebuilt are the remaining 5%.

The villager Pu Ciren is one of them. It's not easy to get to the house that Pu Ciren is building. Sitting in the car along the cliff path makes people feel a little scared. Pu Ciren's house is being sprayed with primer. He told reporters that the old house used to be built of stone and earth, which not only leaks rain, but also is unsafe. The new home will be completely built at the end of the month. He is eager to come early that day and hope that the whole family can live in the new house they have always dreamed of.

Pu Ciren said as he cleaned up the construction waste, "There was an idea to build a house before, but the road was not available, and the conditions were not very favorable. Now there are such projects, and we have built buildings for our family, which was never dreamed of before."

It is this work concept of "not letting one family go" that makes the villagers of Lingang Village in Nimu County feel more realistic in their sense of gain in the whole village's promotion project. It is understood that the construction action plan of "Beautiful Village · Happy Homeland" in Lingang Village requires about 30 people a day for the whole village to promote the project, all of whom are local migrant workers. According to the different types of work, the daily wages vary from 180 yuan to 300 yuan. Many villagers say that the wages for working abroad are higher than before.

"The road has been repaired and the family is beautiful, so Lingang Village will be better and better in the future," said Pu Ciren.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong
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