The police of Majiang Township Police Station rescued stranded tourists
2024-05-08 09:46:23 Source: Tibet Business Daily

Tourists are trapped.

The ice surface collapses and the vehicle cannot move

5 tourists trapped in the mountain overnight

Luodui Peak is located in the southwest of Yangbajing Town, Dangxiong County, Lhasa City, at an altitude of 6010 meters. The temperature here is low and the air is thin, but the scenery is magnificent, attracting a large number of tourists every year. However, in order to enjoy the beautiful scenery, there are always some tourists who drive their vehicles to the forbidden area, resulting in being trapped. Therefore, rescuing tourists has become a daily job of local public security. A few days ago, five tourists were trapped in Luodui Peak overnight. Fortunately, the Lhasa public security emergency rescue enabled five tourists to escape.

At about 11:00 on May 4, the local police station of Majiang Township, Nimu County Public Security Bureau, Lhasa City, received the command from the command center that five tourists were trapped at the foot of the west side of Luodui Peak. Please go to rescue. After receiving the order, the police of Majiang Township Police Station immediately brought rescue equipment and drove the police car to the scene to carry out relevant rescue work. After driving for 20 minutes, police found four stranded tourists beside Provincial Highway 303.

"Because they didn't eat all night, and they were a little high reflexes, so they were exhausted and looked gaunt. We immediately went to ask about the situation," said the police. The People's Auxiliary Police helped the tourists to the car for a rest. After inquiry, they learned that in the afternoon of May 3, five tourists, including Mr. Li (not his real name) and Ms. Liu (not her real name), drove a minibus to Lhasa. When passing Luodui Peak, I found the scenery at the foot of the mountain was very beautiful, so I drove into the mountain area. However, when the vehicle drives to the mountain ice and snow section, the ice surface collapses and the vehicle is trapped.

At the foot of Luodui Peak, with an average altitude of 4900 meters, it is a no man's land and has no telephone signal. At that time, it was already late. Five tourists found a mobile plank house nearby which was left by local herdsmen when they were herding in summer, and stayed in the plank house for one night. When the next day dawned, four of the tourists walked down the mountain along Provincial Highway 303. When the mobile phone had a signal, they immediately dialed the 110 alarm number.

Because the mountain road is rough and steep, the police car can't go up the mountain. After the local police station of Majiang Township settled the tourists, they took wire ropes, pickaxes and other rescue equipment and walked up the mountain for nearly 3 hours for rescue. "The car is completely stuck, so we need to raise the body first, so we went to pick up stones and began to smash ice to let the body down," said the police.

Because of the high altitude, it is difficult to work hard. In order to pull the car out as soon as possible, the People's Auxiliary Police contacted 4 villagers nearby to drive two tractors to support them. After the tractor arrived, the People's Auxiliary Police took out a steel wire rope to tie the trapped vehicle to the tractor, cleaned up the surrounding broken ice with both hands, and pulled the trapped vehicle to the road bit by bit by pushing with bare hands and pulling with the tractor. In order to gain time, the people's auxiliary police did not eat or drink, and finally got the trapped vehicle out of the trap 8 hours later.

It's cloudy and the temperature is low. The tourists' eyes turned red as they watched the people's auxiliary police rush forward and backward, sweating water seeping into their foreheads, red and swollen hands because of moving stones and clearing up broken ice, and hands that left deep marks because of grasping the wire rope. "Thanks for the help of Lhasa public security, we are very moved and warm at the same time." Mr. Li, a tourist, said to the auxiliary police with a thumbs up.

"There were two similar rescues just last week. Here, the altitude is high, and the snowy road is icy, so it is easy to slip and even get trapped. We often receive rescue calls. The conditions here are limited, and there are no hotels to live in, so we often transfer stranded tourists to the county overnight. In order to protect the safety of drivers and passengers, we often cooperate with relevant departments to carry out traffic control and also give reminders." The police said.

Here, the police of Majiang Township Police Station reminded the drivers and passengers and tourists that as the temperature gets warmer, the ice on the Luodui Peak watercourse and lake gradually melts. Do not drive or walk on the ice to avoid the danger of ice breaking. Article/Reporter Ciji Photo source: Ping'an Lhasa

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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