Nimu County Holds Special Session on Comprehensive Reform of Agricultural Water Price
April 22, 2024 11:53:38 Source: Nimu

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On April 19, Nimu County held a special meeting on the comprehensive reform of agricultural water price. Luo Sangqiang, Deputy County Chief of Nimu County, presided over the meeting and made a speech. The county government office, the county development and reform commission, the county water affairs bureau, the county agricultural and rural bureau, the county finance bureau and relevant township (town) leaders attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of relevant documents of the central, autonomous regions and municipalities on promoting the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices, listened to the explanatory report of Nimu County Water Affairs Bureau on the subsidy funds for the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices in medium-sized irrigation areas in Nimu County, and the participating units discussed and made arrangements for the next step of work.

The meeting stressed the need to improve political standing. All departments should earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency in the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices, take the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices as an important political task at present, further investigate and fill gaps, and make up for weaknesses, so as to fully promote the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices in Nimu County. We should strengthen organizational leadership. The responsible person of each relevant unit shall make personal arrangements, refine work measures, earnestly shoulder the responsibility of reform work, and ensure that the comprehensive reform of agricultural water price is carried out in an orderly manner. We should strengthen coordination. All relevant departments should strengthen communication and cooperation, establish a coordination mechanism, solve problems in work in a timely manner, and ensure that the reform task is completed on schedule with quality and quantity guaranteed.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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Copyright: Nimu County People's Government Technical support: Tibet Media Group Website ID: 5401230001
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