Nimu County Investigation Group went to Chengguan District to exchange and learn grass-roots governance experience
April 22, 2024 11:52:36 Source: Nimu

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On April 19, Deng Zeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Nimu County Party Committee, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and director of the Nimu County Public Security Bureau, led a total of 26 people to investigate, exchange and study in the streets and communities of Chengguan District, including the main heads of each township, members of the Political and Legal Committee, grass-roots management staff, and heads of relevant units directly under the county.

Under the detailed explanation of the community staff of each street in Chengguan District, the investigation team investigated and learned the "nine in the front line" working method of Bailin Community in Bakuo Street, the typical practice of Yaziren rental housing management in Gamagongsang Community, the "smart community" construction of Tuanjie New Village in Zhaxi Street, and the "de institutionalization" practice of the happy community in Gongdelin Street, From different perspectives, we will deeply understand the achievements of Chengguan District's street communities in terms of party building guidance, "grid" optimization, law popularization, dispute mediation, convenience services, position building, etc., and conduct in-depth discussions with community leaders in terms of political guidance, autonomy and strengthening the foundation, rule of virtue and education, rule of law guarantee, and intellectual governance support in the "integration of five governance", Learn from good experiences and practices in grass-roots governance.

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After the on-site investigation and study, the Nimu County grassroots governance special investigation team held a learning exchange meeting in the reception hall of the happy community of Gongdelin Street. The members of the investigation team combined the learning experience of this investigation and focused on how to effectively solve the problem of imprecise governance and fully promote the leadership of party building We should give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members and organizations, and guide the masses to actively participate in grass-roots governance.

Deng Zeng required that the members of the investigation team should summarize, refine, re absorb, learn from each other, clarify their ideas, innovate, create excellence, improve efficiency, and improve their style of work. We should adhere to the unity of problem orientation, goal orientation, and result orientation, clarify responsibilities, focus on detail and follow through, and strive to promote Party building to lead grass-roots governance to a new level.

The members of the investigation team said: "The study tour has benefited a lot. It has not only broadened our horizons, broadened our thinking, increased our knowledge, but also gained valuable experience. Next, we will translate the learning achievements into specific measures to promote work, enhance the effectiveness of grass-roots governance, and improve the level of service to the masses."

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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Copyright: Nimu County People's Government Technical support: Tibet Media Group Website ID: 5401230001
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