Luosang Qiangba went deep into Pusong Township to supervise and inspect the construction of industrial projects
2024-05-16 12:36:08 Source: Nimu released

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On May 14, Luo Sang Qiangba, deputy county head of Nimu County, went to the construction site of Pusong Township's multi breed sheep breeding project and the supporting road project for white Tibetan chicken breeding to conduct supervision and inspection, accompanied by the relevant responsible persons of Nimu County's Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Pusong Township and the construction unit.

At the construction site, through on-site inspection, listening to reports and other ways, Rosenthal Qiangba had a comprehensive understanding of the construction content, project progress, construction quality, completion time, operation mode after completion, and existing problems, and assigned relevant problems on the site to provide guidance for the next step of project construction.

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Rosenthal Qiangba stressed that the supervisor and the construction unit should reasonably plan the construction time, improve the work efficiency, speed up the project progress on the basis of ensuring quality, quantity and safety, and ensure that the project is delivered according to the requirements of the construction period; Take measures for long-term use of equipment and facilities, comprehensively consider ancillary works such as slope protection, water pipe insulation, fire fighting facilities construction and water source service life, and lay a foundation for long-term safe operation of the industrial project; We will continue to drive income growth, increase the employment of local farmers and herdsmen, pay migrant workers' wages on time, and put an end to "double arrears"; Relevant departments should improve their political position, strengthen project supervision, pay close attention to construction safety work, strictly control project quality details, supervise completion time limit requirements, and ensure that the project construction is effective.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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