Awarded by Nimu Civilization Points Exchange Supermarket
2024-05-16 10:54:57 Source: Lhasa Daily

 QQ screenshot 20240516105353.png

The picture shows villagers exchanging goods in the points supermarket. Photographed by Mo Ruiying, Lhasa financial media reporter

Recently, Nimu County's "Establish a New Style of Farmers and Herdsmen" action art performance and the opening ceremony of the points supermarket were held in Karu Village.

At the event site, the relevant responsible persons of Nimu County awarded the "Civilized Score Exchange Supermarket" to four villages, namely Lingang Village, Nieyu Village, Karu Village and Qulin Village, marking that the score system is on the right track, forming a sound mechanism that can be copied and developed, and has the basis for the promotion of the whole county. As an important part of the construction of rural spiritual civilization, the implementation of the credit system will effectively encourage villagers to participate in collective activities.

The art team of Karu Village brought wonderful performances such as Tibetan sitcom "Missing the Nuclear Village", dance performance "Beautiful Scenery of Lhasa", and song solo "Singing Folk Songs to the Party Again". In the award-winning question and answer session, villagers actively raised their hands to fight for the opportunity to answer, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

In order to continue to promote the construction of spiritual civilization in agricultural and pastoral areas, establish a new style of civilized and healthy life for farmers and herdsmen, and effectively improve the spiritual outlook of farmers and herdsmen, from October 2023, Nimu County Party Committee and County Government, led by the Publicity Department of the County Party Committee, have created a style of civilization in the whole county. In the early stage, Nimu County invested 8 million yuan to carry out "building a new style of farmers and herdsmen" in four administrative villages Special actions. At present, the project has entered the final stage.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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