The theme research and comprehensive practical education activity in Nimu County was successfully completed
2024-05-15 11:16:25 Source: Nimu Release

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In order to further strengthen the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation, and actively respond to the call of the district, city and county party committees and governments to strengthen exchanges, exchanges, and integration of all ethnic groups, the comprehensive practical education activity on the theme of "Inheriting the Red Gene, Patriotism and Inspiring Talents" organized by the Nimu County Education Bureau was carried out in Beijing from May 6 to 11, with the strong support of the Beijing Tibet Aid Headquarters and Nimu Tibetan aid cadres.

In recent days, 3 teachers and 15 students from primary and secondary schools across the county have visited the Capital Museum, the Forbidden City, the Old Summer Palace, Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall, the National Museum, the Chinese Science and Technology Museum, the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution and other geological research exchanges to visit the military struggle led by the Communist Party of China The achievements in the construction of the people's army and the cultural relics, objects, documents, and materials that reflect the 5000 year cultural history of the Chinese nation have made us feel the glorious history of the Party's leadership of the people, the long history and breadth of Chinese civilization, and the warmth of the Chinese nation's family. The researchers also watched the national flag raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square. The national flag was raised in the majestic voice of the national anthem. Teachers and students sang the national anthem to pay tribute to the dear motherland and the great era.

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The launch of this research and practice activity has made students deeply understand the excellent traditional culture, deeply planted the feelings of loving the party, patriotism and socialism, further realized the warmth of the Chinese nation as a family, encouraged students to strengthen their lofty aspirations to be socialist builders and successors, set goals and ideals for future development, and cast a solid sense of the Chinese national community like a spring breeze, Take root and sprout quickly in the hearts of students.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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