Pujun: Days are as red and sweet as strawberries
09:58:35, May 13, 2024 Source: Tibet Daily

"Dad, the County Pure Land Supermarket wants 10 boxes of strawberries, and neighbor Luodan also ordered 5 boxes of strawberries." Pu Qiong, a villager in Nieyu Village, Nimu County, Lhasa City, was weeding in the strawberry shed when she heard her daughter-in-law's voice in a hurry.

"I didn't know what strawberries were before, and I haven't seen or eaten them before. Now I'm busy picking and delivering strawberries all day long. I didn't expect that this small thing could make my life more and more busy and prosperous." Pujun's wrinkled face was full of smiles. He never dreamed that he would learn to grow strawberries at his home when he was over 50 years old.

In 2019, after years of practice, Nimu County, with the help of counterpart funds and technical advantages of Beijing, planted about 6000 fruit trees in 16 greenhouses in Tunmi Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, covering an area of 100 mu. At that time, Puqiong was first exposed to vegetable planting, and also began to plant vegetables for the second time in her life.

"At that time, the county just got rid of poverty. In order to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, the county adopted the operation mode of 'Party organization+leading enterprises+cooperatives+poor households' to let the masses take charge of production and daily management, and the county Pure Land Company took advantage of channel advantages to take charge of marketing," said Sun Jinying, director of Nimu County Agricultural and Rural Bureau.

Vegetables in the greenhouse can be harvested about three times a year, unlike traditional highland barley, which is cooked once a year. This made Puqiong happy and excited. He said: "In 2019, just one vegetable shed will earn more than 20000 yuan." Two years later, Puqiong took the initiative to contract a vegetable shed because an old man in the same village was unable to contract. "The big shed is right at the door of the house, which does not delay farming, and the income has doubled."

In August 2023, the park will face the problem of low output and poor economic effect of original characteristic agricultural products such as cherries and big peaches. After scientific research and judgment by Beijing Tibet aid experts and technicians, it is necessary to improve the original varieties and technically transform the original greenhouses. With the support of Tibet aid funds, Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, Beijing donated 9000 Hongyan strawberries and 2000 Meizao cherry trees to Nimu. This also gave Puqiong a chance to plant strawberries for the third time

Puqiong, 60, ran for a new life and learned to grow strawberries from scratch. Considering that the masses have never been exposed to the planting of vegetables and fruits, Nimu County has specially set up a "point-to-point" working mechanism to focus on industrial development, and selected cadres to settle in industrial sites to teach the masses and lead them to work. "Puqiong has been able to plant various vegetables skillfully. Although strawberry is his first contact, he is very diligent and usually takes the initiative to follow us to learn how to plant strawberry," said Zhaji, a selected cadre.

For this reason, since planting strawberries in August last year, Puqiong has been more diligent than ever. Every morning, she gets up at more than 5 o'clock and rushes to the greenhouse. After working in the strawberry greenhouse in the morning, she rushes to the vegetable greenhouse to water and weed...... Puqiong is always busy in these greenhouses. Even in cold winter, Puqiong is also busy and sweaty, "The national policy is so good that we have to work harder, and now we feel that we have endless energy," said Pujun.

Puqiong's last job every day is to go into the strawberry shed, pick out red and big strawberries to fill the basket in her hand, put them carefully in the back seat of the electric car, and go home in the dusk... "My grandson likes to eat strawberries very much." Puqiong sighs, the strawberries can become red and ripe every two or three days, and an average of 30 boxes can be produced in a greenhouse every day, and a box can sell for 40 yuan, I am getting rich these days.

"Although we order strawberries from Puqiong every day, the supply still falls short of demand," said Dang Xiaofeng, head of Pure Land Company.

In 2023, the income of Tumi Modern Agricultural Industrial Park in Nimu County will be 3.406 million yuan, 81 people will be employed, and the per capita income will be increased by more than 35000 yuan. More than 150 people will be driven to work, and the per capita income will be increased by 3000 yuan.

"I like my life now. I plant highland barley in spring, and vegetables and strawberries all the year round. This day is more comfortable and richer." Pu Qiong said that her family income has doubled since she planted strawberries. Strawberries alone can earn 10000 yuan a month. People's Daily reporter Qiong Da Zhuoga People's Network reporter Wu Yuren

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