Group 2, Tunpu Village, Nimu County: Cooperatives lead farmers to Benzhifu Road
2024-05-06 10:03:55 Source: Tibet Daily

The picture shows the staff of Quguo Women's Sewing Farmers' Professional Cooperative in Group 2, Tunpu Village, Nimu County, Lhasa City introducing products to tourists. Photographed by Dan Zengqunpei, reporter of Tibet Daily

In recent years, Nimu County, Lhasa City has deeply exploited the advantages of local resources, actively encouraged and guided farmers and herdsmen to establish cooperative economic organizations, improved the "added value" of agricultural products, extended the "value chain" of farmers' income increase, and emerged a large number of farmers and herdsmen cooperatives with good development benefits and strong driving ability around the two major priorities of accelerating development and training excellence and strengthening.

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