Ci Wangduojie Hosted the Learning Seminar of the Theoretical Learning Center Group
April 24, 2024 11:04:24 Source: Nimu released

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On the morning of April 23, Ci Wang Duojie, deputy secretary of Nimu County Party Committee and head of Nimu County, presided over the fourth learning seminar of the theoretical learning center group of the party group of the county government in 2024. Members of the Party Leadership Group of Nimu County Government, relevant functional departments directly under the county level, and people's governments of all townships (towns) attended the meeting.

Tsewang Dorje pointed out that all departments at all levels in the county should carefully study and deeply understand the spiritual essence, core meaning and practical requirements of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, according to the "five beauties" deployment made by Secretary Wang Junzheng at the regional ecological environment protection conference, and according to Secretary Xiao Youcai's "12345" work ideas on the city's ecological environment protection, We will firmly shoulder the responsibility of the first person responsible for ecological environment protection in this field of our department, and promote the construction of ecological civilization and ecological environment protection with a higher position, more practical measures and greater efforts, so as to contribute to the construction of beautiful Nimu.

Tsewang Dorje stressed that we should take the construction of beautiful Nimu as a political task, think about and promote the construction of beautiful Nimu from a political perspective, constantly strengthen the coordination of goals, top and bottom, and departments, effectively enhance the systematization, integrity, and coordination of all work, maximize the coordination of resources in all fields and all aspects, and maximize the power of all departments, Ensure that all decisions and arrangements for the construction of beautiful Nimu are implemented and effective; We should continue to promote the construction of the "two mountains" practice and innovation base in Tunba Town, complete the phased goal of building a national demonstration county for ecological civilization construction, carry out in-depth actions to improve the rural living environment, and continue to promote the construction of exquisite, characteristic, livable and beautiful villages in batches; It is necessary to further promote the battle of pollution prevention and control, steadily carry out the comprehensive investigation and assessment of the ecological environment of Nimu County, continue to promote the joint prevention, control and coordinated governance of air pollution, solidly protect the water source and nutrient areas, strengthen the prevention and control of soil pollution sources, and continue to maintain the continuous good quality of the air, water and land environment of Nimu County; We should strictly implement the responsibility system for ecological environment protection, adhere to the principle of "the Party and the government share the same responsibility" and "one post and two responsibilities", deeply grasp the spirit of the national, regional and municipal ecological environment protection conferences, anchor the goals and tasks of building beautiful Nimu in the future, and set an example in building a solid national ecological security barrier, creating a highland of ecological civilization, and building beautiful Nimu.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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