Zhao Tieling Chairs the (Enlarged) Meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee
2024-04-18 11:51:16 Source: Nimu

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On April 17, Zhao Tieling, secretary of Nimu County Party Committee, presided over the (expanded) meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee.

Zhao Tieling stressed that all military and local departments in the county should earnestly study the important letter reply spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping to all members of the "Falcon Commando", shoulder the political responsibility of the party in charge of the armed forces, implement the understanding and the implementation of the medium and strong military, carry out in-depth national defense education, solidly carry out the work of "double support", promote the integration of military and civilian development, continue to improve the ability to strengthen the border, and serve the overall situation of strengthening the border.

Zhao Tieling stressed that it is necessary to combine the actual situation to fight a long war of ecological civilization construction, promote the grassroots burden reduction to go deeper and more practical, fully guarantee spring ploughing and spring sowing, solidly carry out afforestation, vigorously rectify the patrol feedback problems, orderly promote the reform of the party and government institutions, steadily do a good job in letters and visits to maintain stability, resolutely punish "micro corruption" that infringes on the interests of the masses, and promote high-quality development of all work in Nimu.

Other matters were also studied.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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