The party and government delegation of Longwantun Town, Shunyi District visited Nimu for investigation
2024-04-09 12:42:00 Source: Nimu

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Recently, the party and government delegation of Longwantun Town, Shunyi District, Beijing visited Nimu County for investigation and held a forum for counterpart support. Zhao Tieling, secretary of the Nimu County Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Tse Wang Duojie, deputy secretary of the Nimu County Party Committee and head of the county, introduced the counterpart support. Liang Baoxin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and head of the town of Longwantun, Shunyi District, and Cai Yu, deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission of Shunyi District, delivered speeches respectively.

Zhao Tieling welcomed the party and government delegation from Longwantun Town, Shunyi District to visit Nimu for research and investigation, and sincerely thanked Shunyi District and Longwantun Town for their great support to Nimu County.

Liang Baoxin expressed admiration for the achievements of Nimu County's economic and social development. He said that Longwantun Town will actively implement the decisions and arrangements of the central government, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and the Beijing Municipal People's Government on counterpart support, give play to the characteristics of Longwantun Town, continue to deepen the assistance work, highlight technical assistance and talent assistance, cultivate more practical talents for Nimu, and accumulate momentum for subsequent development; Combine the characteristics of cultural resources of both sides, expand the idea of assistance, find ways to promote cooperation in the development of cultural tourism; Continuously expand cooperation fields, deepen cooperation levels, optimize cooperation modes, improve cooperation quality and efficiency, and help Nimu County's high-quality economic development.

Cai Yu said that the Development and Reform Commission of Shunyi District, in accordance with the principles of Nimu's needs and Shunyi's ability, combined with the actual situation, really helped and helped according to local conditions, and contributed to the increase of people's income and prosperity; Strengthen the organization, coordination and scheduling, promote the implementation of assistance projects, activate the "hematopoietic" function with industrial assistance, and help Nimu run out of the "acceleration" of economic development; Give full play to the advantageous resources of both sides, expand the scope of exchanges, deepen exchanges and exchanges between the two places, and let the flower of national unity bloom and flourish.

At the symposium, the two sides also signed the Framework Agreement on Deepening Cooperation and Co construction between the People's Government of Longwantun Town and the People's Government of Nimu County, the 2024 Agreement on Aid and Construction, and donated 70000 strawberry seedlings to Nimu County.

During their stay in Nimu County, the delegation from Longwantun Town, Shunyi District visited some towns and townships such as Tunba Town, Nimu Township, Majiang Township and Tunmi Modern Agricultural Park to understand the development of cultural tourism industry and characteristic planting industry in Nimu County, and to provide on-site guidance on the growth and cultivation of cherry trees and strawberry seedlings donated earlier.

County leaders Li Mingjie, Cai Hongmei, Sun Changce, Luo Sangqiang Ba, Shunyi District leaders Tian Miao, Jin Zi and Peng Nan participated in relevant activities.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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