A Glimpse of Nimu County Cultivating New Kinetics for High Quality Economic Development
2024-04-09 10:14:05 Source: Tibet Daily

The picture shows the planting staff of Tunmi Modern Agricultural Industrial Park removing weeds in the strawberry planting shed. Photographed by Lu Lijuan, reporter of Tibet Daily

Since June 2023, when Shunyi District of Beijing and Nimu County of Tibet reached the intention of counterpart assistance and cooperation, Longwantun Town of Shunyi District of Beijing has successively organized investigation teams and working groups to visit Nimu on the spot and have in-depth exchanges around cherry, strawberry and other assistance projects. In particular, the working group not only guided the transformation and upgrading of infrastructure such as water, electricity and temperature control equipment in the vegetable greenhouses of the industrial park, but also helped the planting staff to plant more than 9000 strawberry seedlings through "field classroom" training during the investigation of the work of the Tumi Modern Agricultural Industrial Park in Nimu County.

The picture shows Wang Ronghua (first from the right), a "point-to-point" cadre in Nimu County, imparting the planting technology of Pinggu peach to the masses.

The picture shows that Deji (first from left), a "point-to-point" cadre in Nimu County, imparts planting techniques of cherries to the masses. (Picture provided by the Publicity Department of the CPC Nimu County Committee) Liu Linlin, reporter of Tibet Daily

In recent years, Nimu County Party Committee and Government of Lhasa have anchored "four major events", focused on "four creation" and "four leading", always regarded industrial projects and increasing people's income as the "No. 1 project", insisted on taking Party members and cadres as Nimu's greatest resource advantage, and took the realization of "people have a skill, households have a way to become rich, and villages have an industry to be in charge" as the short-term goal, With the medium-term goal of "leading the masses to do, showing to the masses, developing for the people, and making achievements for the people", and the long-term goal of "achieving the revitalization of Nimu villages and consolidating the ruling foundation of the Party", vigorously promote the "four lower grassroots" working method, accurately implement the "point-to-point" cadres' work mechanism to seize the industry, and commit to breaking the bottleneck of industrial development and cultivating new momentum for high-quality economic development, To provide strong support for the effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.

Nimu County insists on taking the "point-to-point" cadre selection and assignment as the key work of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee every year, and makes sure that the principles, requirements and scope of the selection and assignment are clearly defined in time to ensure that qualified excellent cadres are selected and assigned; The Organization Department of the County Party Committee strictly controls the political, ability and style of the selected personnel, and does a solid job in publicity, mobilization, recommendation and review to ensure that the selected personnel are competent, competent, integrated and well done. At the same time, we have established and improved the responsibility system for industrial projects, the leadership mechanism for work promotion, the task sequencing system, and strictly implemented the supervision and accountability mechanism, forming a relatively complete, standardized and orderly "point-to-point" operation mechanism for cadres to focus on industrial work.

It is reported that in recent years, Nimu County has successively selected 26 county-level cadres to take the lead in four county-level industries, 52 section level cadres to make overall plans for 12 township level industries, and 111 sinking cadres to precisely focus on 62 village level industries. In terms of selecting and appointing personnel, we should strictly enforce the selection criteria and take training cadres as an important task. Specify the qualification conditions for selecting cadres, and give priority to the selection of young, capable, potential development, and good mass base of reserve cadres and outstanding party members and cadres to focus on industry. Advanced models such as Liu Hongyu, a "vegetable farmer cadre", Ma Anyang, a "cattle raising secretary", Luo Hongwen, a "pig raising township head", Feng Hu, a "chicken raising commander", and Wang Ronghua, a "peach planting expert" have emerged, In particular, Deji, "Cherry Girl", was praised as "Advanced Individual in Poverty Alleviation" by the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

"In the past, the family made a living by planting highland barley. Because of their poor income, they did not live a prosperous life. Now, since they contracted vegetable greenhouses to produce cash crops, their income has improved year by year. The two vegetable greenhouses I contracted mainly grow tomatoes and cucumbers. From seed selection to harvest, the village 'point to point' cadres will guide me throughout the process and teach me planting techniques hand by hand, with an annual income of more than 100000 yuan. " Pubu Ciren, a villager in Nieyu Village, told the reporter that with the increase of income, the quality of life of his family has also improved. He is confident that he will become rich by developing cash crops.

In addition, Nimu County also gave full play to the role of the county party school as the main front, invited professors of the party school, heads of departments directly under the county level and outstanding secretaries of grass-roots party organizations to conduct centralized training for "point-to-point" cadres by means of special counseling, case teaching, interactive exchanges, and constantly improve the quality and ability of cadres. At the same time, relying on the talent exchange channel of "Shunyi Nimu", 186 village cadres, party members and grassroots people were selected in 12 batches to learn advanced experience in Shunyi District, Beijing, and 53 professional and technical backbones from 4 batches outside the district were invited to Nimu County for short-term assistance to Tibet, cultivating 219 planting and breeding technical experts.

Nimu County has achieved remarkable results in promoting the development of relevant industries in the county and promoting the income increase of farmers and herdsmen since the implementation of the "point-to-point" cadre industry work. In terms of grassroots party organizations leading the development of cooperatives, cooperatives are responsible for the operation and management of industrial projects, "point-to-point" cadre demonstration drives the participation of the masses, guides farmers and herdsmen to participate in cooperatives through land, housing, labor and other ways, promotes resources to become assets, funds to become shares, and the masses to become shareholders, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the masses to participate in industrial development and help rural revitalization With initiative, it has successfully created a number of characteristic industrial brand villages and towns, such as "Tibetan Health Care Town", "Hot Spring Leisure Town", "Walnut Village", "Yak Village", "Vegetable Village" and "Ecological Village". At the same time, we will strengthen the construction of beautiful villages, vigorously develop public welfare undertakings, and let farmers and herdsmen get more benefits from it. In specific work, a group of "point-to-point" cadres have implemented a number of infrastructure projects such as safe drinking water, farmland canals, signal base stations and so on in various regions by seeking financial support; A group of cadres took the initiative to lead the masses in flood prevention and rescue, mud cleaning, mud flow dredging and guarantee the production of agriculture and animal husbandry in the summer and autumn flood season every year; A group of cadres actively coordinated public welfare, medical and other institutions to carry out the action of benefiting the people, donated school supplies for students in agricultural and pastoral areas, provided free health examination for farmers and herdsmen, and put people's livelihood in mind and in hand.

"Next, we will continue to strengthen the talent cultivation for rural revitalization, highlight key points, give full play to advantages, vigorously develop characteristic industries, promote the overall revitalization of the countryside, and let the people of all ethnic groups in the county more and better share the development achievements," said the relevant person in charge of Nimu County Government.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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