Nimu County Held Martyrs' Public Sacrifice on Tomb sweeping Day 2024
2024-04-07 15:48:54 Source: Nimu

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In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the praise of martyrs, and in accordance with the requirements of the Notice on Carrying out the Publicity and Education Activity with the theme of "Forging Soul · 2024 · Tomb Sweeping Day Celebration of Heroes", Nimu County, with the theme of "Remembering the Heroes and Forging the Chinese Soul Together", held the Tomb Sweeping Day martyrs' public memorial activity, and vigorously promoted heroes A strong atmosphere of remembering the martyrs.

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Zhao Tieling, secretary of Nimu County Party Committee, Tsewang Duojie, deputy secretary of Nimu County Party Committee and head of Nimu County, and other local county leaders attended the ceremony. Cai Hongmei, deputy secretary of Nimu County Party Committee, presided over the ceremony. Cadres, the masses, students, monks and nuns, and representatives of troops stationed in Nimu County participated in the event.

During the event, Cai Hongmei bowed to the Martyrs Monument and announced the start of the public memorial ceremony. All staff stood in awe and sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China. Later, along with the "Flower Offering Song", the ceremonial soldiers presented flower baskets to the martyrs. Zhao Tieling, Tsewang Dorje, Nima Ciren, Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, and Mima, Vice Chairman of the County People's Political Consultative Conference came forward to tidy up the ribbons. All staff bowed three times to the Monument of Revolutionary Martyrs to express their deep sorrow for the revolutionary martyrs. Finally, all the staff consecutively presented flowers to the martyrs' monument and tomb to recall the immortal achievements of the revolutionary martyrs.

The purpose of this public memorial ceremony is to deeply remember the revolutionary martyrs who fought in bloody battles, were not afraid of sacrifice, died bravely and gave their lives bravely, deeply remember their noble feelings of facing death as if they were going home, stand firm and bravely go to the battlefield with indomitable spirit, place our condolences, comfort the immortal spirits of the heroes and martyrs, and further encourage the cadres and masses of the county to inherit the revolutionary martyrs' will, Bearing in mind the historical responsibility, carrying forward the revolutionary tradition, strengthening the ideals and beliefs, and striving to build a new Nimu for socialist modernization.

Editor in charge: He Yongqing
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Copyright: Nimu County People's Government Technical support: Tibet Media Group Website ID: 5401230001
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