Nimu County carried out public health service and infectious disease prevention and control knowledge training
2024-03-28 09:09:17 Source: Nimu Release

From March 25 to 26, Nimu County carried out training on basic public health services and major infectious disease prevention and control. This time, nine experts from Lhasa CDC were invited to give lectures, and all cadres and staff of the county CDC and medical personnel from all townships (towns) and villages participated in the training.

The training content includes 12 basic public health services, including vaccine system operation and cold chain service specifications, health education, vaccination service specifications, infectious disease prevention and control system operation and monitoring information management, chronic disease management, health supervision service specifications, and related knowledge about plague and spring infectious disease prevention and control.

During the training, experts explained relevant knowledge and skills to trainees in simple terms through vivid case analysis and rich practical experience sharing. The trainees actively participated in the interaction and communication, raised their own problems and puzzles in work, and experts gave detailed answers and guidance. After the training, the trainees were assessed for training effect.

Through this training, Nimu County CDC and rural medical staff have a deeper understanding and understanding of basic public health services and major infectious disease prevention and control knowledge, improved their professional level and working ability, and provided strong support and guarantee for Nimu County to further improve basic public health services and major infectious disease prevention and control.

In the next step, Nimu County will continue to carry out disease prevention and control knowledge training, improve the professional level and service ability of staff, strengthen guidance and assistance to grass-roots medical and health institutions, constantly improve the service level and quality, and escort the health and safety of the people in the county.

Editor in charge: Ge Sangyangzong
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Copyright: Nimu County People's Government Technical support: Tibet Media Group Website ID: 5401230001
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