Publicity activity on employment and entrepreneurship policies of college graduates of the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee was held
2024-03-28 09:09:54 Source: Nimu Release

On March 25, the delegation led by the Secretary of the Lhasa Youth League Municipal Party Committee, Wujinduoji, went to Nimu County to carry out the education of employment and entrepreneurship policies for college graduates and post docking activities. Wang Kejing and Wu Yang, four level investigators of the Municipal Youth League Committee, and Tian Fuquan, deputy county head of Nimu County were accompanied, and more than 30 college graduates attended the event.

The activity invited Tudanjiang Village, an autonomous region level entrepreneurship training instructor, to publicize the employment and entrepreneurship policies of district and city college graduates, distribute the employment and entrepreneurship publicity materials for college graduates, and the relevant responsible person of the Youth League Municipal Committee made a detailed explanation of the employment posts provided.

Hardware Duoji analyzed the current employment situation of college graduates in the whole region to the on-site college graduate representatives, encouraged college graduates to have "ambitious" ambitions, constantly break through the self shackles of ideas, scientifically plan their personal career, fully understand the current employment situation and self positioning, rationally treat salary and personal growth, and achieve "employment first, then career selection" We should always adhere to learning as a responsibility, a hobby, and a healthy lifestyle. We should re learn, be eager to learn, and enjoy learning. We should work hard to improve our employment skills and broaden our knowledge, and work hard with sweat and wisdom to create a better future.

It is reported that the Municipal Youth League Committee has provided 46 more than 600 jobs, and a total of 30 college graduates have applied for jobs through on-site delivery of resumes and online registration.

In the next step, Nimu County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will work with the Youth League Municipal Committee to track the follow-up employment of candidates, and strive to use high-quality and efficient employment services to promote high-quality employment of college graduates in Nimu County.

Editor in charge: Ge Sangyangzong
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