Qian Xiubin and his party went deep into Nimu County to investigate the informatization work
2024-03-22 14:14:02 Source: Nimu Release

On the morning of March 20, Qian Xiubin, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Lhasa Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, and his delegation went deep into Nimu County to investigate the informatization work, accompanied by Li Mingjie, Executive Deputy Secretary of Nimu County Committee and Executive Deputy County Chief, and Tian Fuquan, Deputy County Chief.

Qian Xiubin and his party successively investigated Nihong Yuancang Smart Logistics Park, the former residence of Tunmi Sangbuza, Nimu Modern Industrial Park, and the project site of "Lhasa Information Benefiting People Project" electronic screen in Nieyu Village, to understand in detail the development of industrialization and informatization in Nimu County, and the application of intelligence and digitalization in industry, agriculture, education, medical care and other fields, Basic information about the utilization rate and online rate of the electronic large screen in the villages (residences) of the "Lhasa Information Benefiting People Project".

Qian Xiubin pointed out that we should strengthen communication and docking with information enterprises, learn more about their operation and production status, and help enterprises solve practical difficulties; It is necessary to sort out and classify the small and medium-sized enterprises in the county, reserve a batch of information enterprises with development potential, and prepare for the future declaration policy; We should set a model and set an example, vigorously carry forward good experience and practices, and implement good policies.

Qian Xiubin stressed that we should give full play to the role of electronic large screen information publicity and promotion, actively publicize the policies of benefiting the people and benefiting the people in districts, cities and counties, and timely update the positive content; It is necessary to do a good job in large screen management and release training, communicate and coordinate more, and improve the actual utilization rate of large screens and the village (residents) 'ability to release information; It is necessary to do a good job in the access of all business platforms to the e-government external network, and continue to ensure smooth access and normal operation of all platforms.

Editor in charge: Ge Sangyangzong
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Copyright: Nimu County People's Government Technical support: Tibet Media Group Website ID: 5401230001
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