Zhawu Township organized deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members to study in brother counties
2023-10-17 18:21:37      Source: Issued by Lazi County

Recently, Zhawu Township of Lazi County organized a delegation of 31 people, including some deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members, to Bailang County, Gyangze County, Kangma County and Yadong County to study the construction of a model area for national unity and progress, a pilot area for high-quality development of plateau economy, and the construction of a national ecological civilization highland.

The study group listened carefully, looked carefully, learned modestly, and asked questions in detail through listening to explanations, seeing real things, consulting materials, and answering questions on the spot. They communicated with local county, township, and village cadres. Everyone discussed, thought, learned from the truth, and expanded their horizons, and felt the achievements and experience of the brother counties in the "four major events".

Through learning, discussing and sharing advanced experience, the service awareness of representatives and members was enhanced, and their ability to perform their duties in accordance with the law was improved. They expressed that they should give full play to the exemplary leading role of deputies to the grassroots people's congresses and CPPCC members, take the lead in deeply integrating into the rural revitalization, actively explore new measures and new ways suitable for the development of the township of investigation and service, and contribute to the high-quality development of investigation and service.

Editor in charge: Xiang Ba Cizhen

Public security record No.: Zanggongwang Anbei No. 54022502000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2023000004 - 1 Website ID: 5423260001
Copyright: People's Government of Lazi County, Shigatse Technical support: Tibet Media Group

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