Lazi County held the working meeting of forest director system
2024-05-07 17:32:28      Source: Issued by Lazi County

On the morning of May 6, Fu Ping, Secretary of the CPC Lazi County Committee and Chief Forest Officer of the county, presided over the 2024 County wide Forest Officer System Working Conference,

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the working conference of the autonomous region's forest leader system, heard the work report of the county's forest leader system, and made arrangements for the next step of implementing the forest leader system.

It was pointed out at the meeting that since 2023, forest leaders at all levels in the county have conscientiously performed their duties, went deep into forest and mountain patrols, found feedback problems in time, put forward many constructive suggestions, took the lead in voluntary tree planting and other work, made positive contributions to the protection of forest and grassland resources in the county, and promoted the new process of ecological civilization construction in Lazi County with practical actions, Explained the theoretical and practical achievements of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought.

The meeting required that we should vigorously promote ecological restoration, fully combine with regional reality, adhere to the principles of science, economy and efficiency, grasp the time nodes and spatial layout, select suitable varieties, widely mobilize the organization, strengthen technical guidance, do a good job in project acceptance, and comprehensively implement various ecological restoration work such as forest planting and grass planting. We should spare no effort to prevent forest and grassland fires, adhere to the working principle of "prevention first and active elimination", increase the frequency of forest patrols, improve the "grid" management system, strengthen forest fire prevention education, and achieve dynamic management of fire hazards without dead corners. Closely prevent forest pests and diseases, establish and improve the monitoring and early warning mechanism of pests and diseases and alien species invasion, and effectively control the spread of forest pests. We will never condone and crack down on forest related crimes in accordance with the law, so as to form an effective deterrent. Efforts should be made to improve the management level of the Reserve, actively rectify the supervision and inspection problems of forests, grasslands, environmental protection, etc. fed back by the superior, vigorously develop the forest and grass industry, explore the development of ecological agriculture, eco-tourism, ecological health care and other service industries, and adhere to the development and expansion of forage industry. Properly manage grassland disputes and accelerate the confirmation, registration and certification of grassland contractual management rights. Pay close attention to the protection of ancient trees. It is necessary to put the promotion of implementation in a prominent position, establish a county, township and village three level forest leader system with clear management responsibilities and smooth operation mechanism, adhere to taking responsibility, promoting implementation, strengthening mechanism and promoting standardization, focusing on assessment and promoting results, accelerate the modernization of forestry governance system and governance capacity, and constantly promote high-quality development of county forestry work.

The meeting called on the whole county to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the autonomous region's Party committee and the municipal party committee, and establish the career and achievements view of "success does not have to depend on me, success must depend on me", and work from generation to generation to make new and greater contributions to the construction of beautiful Lazy.

The meeting will be held at the township level in the form of television and telephone.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Public security record No.: Zanggongwang Anbei No. 54022502000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2023000004 - 1 Website ID: 5423260001
Copyright: People's Government of Lazi County, Shigatse Technical support: Tibet Media Group

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