China Nigeria cross-border tourism charter flight ushers in its first flight
2024-05-20 09:37:23      Source: Tibet Daily

In the afternoon of May 18, the first flight of the "Shanghai Kathmandu Shigatse" cross-border tourism charter plane for Tibet was welcomed. 105 Shanghai tourists boarded the first chartered flight to start a 12 day and 11 night cross-border tour.

As the most distinctive China Nepal cross-border long line tourism product in the market at present, tourists will fly directly from Shanghai Pudong Airport to Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, by chartered plane, and then enter the country by car through Shigatse Jilong Port, The journey covers important natural and cultural landscapes along the border between China and Nepal (in Nigeria, including Qiewang, Bandipur, Pokhara, etc., and the domestic route will pass through Jilong, Dingri, Saga, Sangzhuzi, Gyantse, etc.), with tour guide services and medical security throughout the journey. The charter flight will try to operate 1-2 flights per month according to the climate conditions at the border between China and Nepal.

It is reported that the launch of the "Shanghai Kathmandu Shigatse" cross-border tourism charter flight for Tibet assistance is a major measure and innovative exploration of the Shanghai Tibetan Assistance Cadre Liaison Group to help the development of border tourism, which is of positive significance for deepening the goal of "building Shigatse into a central city open to South Asia" and realizing the double cycle of domestic and foreign tourism routes.

In recent years, with the maturity of in-depth tour routes, the tourism market in Shigatse continues to be hot. In 2023, the number of tourists received by Shigatse City will exceed 10 million for the first time, and the tourism revenue will exceed 5.8 billion yuan. The growth rate of tourism industry will rank first in Tibet, hitting a record high.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Public security record No.: Zanggongwang Anbei No. 54022502000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2023000004 - 1 Website ID: 5423260001
Copyright: People's Government of Lazi County, Shigatse Technical support: Tibet Media Group

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