Jiangzi Anti drug Theme Park officially opened
2023-11-08 17:44:57      Source: Gyantse Public Security

On November 7, the Drug Control Commission of Gyangze County held the opening ceremony. Dan Zeng, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and Director of the Office of National Security Affairs, attended the ceremony. Sang Bu, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau, and Deputy Director of the County Drug Control Commission, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech.

Relying on the construction of Jiangzi Zongshan Park, the theme of "healthy life, green and non-toxic", and the principle of "close to the masses, close to life, education and entertainment", Jiangzi County Drug Control Theme Park skillfully integrates drug control elements into the park's environmental greening and facilities and equipment in an all-round way The harm of drugs, drug prevention education for young people and the history of drug control in China are composed of nearly 50 display boards and signs. The everywhere anti drug signboards endow the park with new vitality, new forms of publicity and rich content, so that the masses of the people can feel the anti drug culture and knowledge "at zero distance" while having leisure and entertainment, so that the people can have a deeper understanding of the dangers of drugs to society, families and individuals, and improve the ability of the whole people to reject, prevent and recognize drugs, We should work together to create a good atmosphere for the whole people to ban drugs.

Sang Bu pointed out that the anti drug theme park in Gyantse County will become a business card for the anti drug propaganda of the whole county, play a demonstration effect of educating the masses, driving the whole county, and radiating around, marking that the drug prevention education in Gyantse County has entered a new stage. We should take the opening ceremony of the "Drug Control Theme Park" as an opportunity to firmly establish the idea of "a game of chess", quickly set off a new round of drug control publicity and education boom, stimulate the enthusiasm of all sectors of society to participate in the people's war against drugs in the new era, make the concept of "healthy life, green and non-toxic" more popular, and work tirelessly to create a new situation in drug control in the new era!

The opening ceremony attracted the masses to receive anti drug publicity and education by issuing anti drug leaflets, displaying new anti drug samples, and answering questions about anti drug knowledge.

Editor in charge: Xiang Ba Cizhen

Sponsor: People's Government of Gyangze County Address: No.1 Weiguo Road, Gyangze County, Shigatse, Tibet Tel: 0892-8172284
Website ID: 5423230001 Public security record No.: Zanggong Anbei No. 540222020000001 MIIT Filing No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 2021000093 - 1
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