Township civil servant examination

Examination Guide for Township Civil Servants

Interpreting the Examination of Township Civil Servants

Overview of township civil servants

Instructions for the examination of township civil servants

Application for examination of township civil servants

Written Examination of Township Civil Servants

Interview of township civil servants

Introduction to Township Civil Servants

Township civil servants are government and business civil servants who work in township level government departments, exercise national administrative rights and perform national official duties.

In September 2014, the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Civil Service Bureau jointly issued the Opinions on Doing a Good Job in the Examination and Recruitment of Grass roots Civil Servants in Difficult and Remote Areas recently, improving the recruitment system of grass roots civil servants, and appropriately lowering the entry threshold in difficult and remote areas.

Introduction to the examination of township civil servants

The township civil servant examination is a recruitment examination for civil servants in order to supplement civil servants. Nationwide, some township civil servants in some regions may be recruited separately (the announcement is issued separately, and the examination time may be different from the provincial examination time). For example, Chongqing will issue a separate announcement on the recruitment of township civil servants in the second half of 2019, but the examination time will be conducted at the same time as the municipal examination; However, in some areas, the examination of township civil servants is carried out together with the provincial examination, and no separate announcement is made. For example, Hebei is generally the provincial, municipal, county and township four level joint examination. The examination of township civil servants is carried out together in the recruitment of provincial civil servants, and no separate examination of township civil servants is carried out; In some regions, the recruitment of township civil servants is carried out together with the provincial examination, but some township civil servants will also be recruited separately at other times according to the needs of the region. For example, although Gansu civil servant examination also recruits some township civil servants, Gansu will also issue a separate announcement on the recruitment of township civil servants.

Conditions for applying for the examination of township civil servants

Relevant personnel applying for the examination of township civil servants must meet the following basic conditions:

1. Have the nationality of the People's Republic of China;

2. Support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China;

3. Have good conduct;

4. Have the physical condition to perform duties normally;

5. Love grassroots work and bear hardships and stand hard work;

6. The age is above 18 and below 35, and the age of the new graduate master and doctoral research (non working) can be extended to below 40; Some are under 45 years old;

7. College degree or above in national education;

8. Have other qualifications required for recruitment.

Application process of township civil servant examination

Five procedures for registration of township civil servants: 1. Preparation: preparation of application materials: photos, bank cards 2. Online registration: query and select positions, fill in application materials, upload photos 3. Query of registration status 4. Confirm online payment 5. Print examination admission cards and candidates' application forms

What is the content of the examination for township civil servants

The examination subjects for township civil servants are written examination and interview. The written examination includes public subjects and professional subjects.

The Administrative Professional Competency Test mainly tests the basic qualities and ability elements closely related to the civil servant's career and suitable for examination by means of objective paper and pencil tests, mainly including speech understanding and expression, quantitative relations, judgment and reasoning, data analysis and other contents.

Argumentation is an examination subject to test the basic abilities that should be possessed in the work of organs. The essay consists of three parts: notes, questions and materials. It mainly tests the applicants' reading comprehension ability, comprehensive analysis ability, ability to raise and solve problems, and writing ability.

Public basic knowledge mainly examines the mastery of the Party's and the country's principles and policies in rural areas, and the comprehensive knowledge of township administration.

Comprehensive knowledge mainly tests the basic ability of administrative work and knowledge related to grass-roots work such as agricultural development, rural policy, enterprise management and community construction.

Interview of township civil servants

The interview shall be organized and implemented by the recruitment unit or its competent department according to the filed interview plan under the guidance of the competent authority for recruitment and examination of township civil servants. For the interviewees who have reached the qualified score line in the written examination, the candidates will be determined from high score to low score among the qualified candidates in the written examination for the same position in the same district/county according to the ratio of the recruitment index to the number of interviewees. If the scores of the last person to enter the interview are tied, the persons who are tied will enter the interview together.