The Economic Operation Analysis and Dispatching Meeting of Shigatse from January to April was held
2024-05-24 15:36:53      Source: Shigatse News Center

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On May 22, Wang Fanghong, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Shigatse Municipal Committee and Mayor of Shigatse, presided over the city's economic operation analysis and scheduling meeting from January to April, conveying and studying the relevant spirit of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the autonomous region party committee, the government and the municipal party committee on recent economic work, analyzing the economic operation from January to April, and studying and deploying the next work.

The meeting pointed out that the second quarter is a connecting link between the preceding and the following, and it concerns the whole year. The whole city should firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, strengthen the confidence and determination of development, adhere to the goal orientation, problem orientation, and result orientation, and with the spirit of making progress and the sense of responsibility that can not rest assured at all times, really grasp the hard work and work hard, and strive to promote the quality and effective improvement of the economy and the reasonable growth of quantity, so as to ensure that the time is more than half and the task is more than half. We should promote the rapid growth of investment, make every effort to ensure factor services, comprehensively accelerate the progress of project construction, and form more investment in kind. We should accelerate the progress of budget implementation, grasp the key points, break through the blockages, and promote capital expenditure in a reasonable and orderly manner. We should strengthen industrial support, vigorously foster and support industrial enterprises, provide services to guide enterprises to actively upgrade their scales and integrate them, and promote better and faster development of enterprises above designated size. We should continue to promote consumption, focus on key areas such as real estate, wholesale, accommodation and catering, carry out a series of consumption promotion activities, and enhance the fundamental role of consumption in economic development. We should pay close attention to increasing the income of urban and rural residents, continue to increase the transfer of labor and employment, and cash in the policy funds to benefit the people. We should focus on skills training, job development, industrial support, project driven, and root out wage arrears to expand the channels for increasing people's income. We should firmly establish the bottom line thinking, compact the responsibilities of all parties, strengthen the troubleshooting of hidden dangers, and resolutely prevent and contain various road traffic accidents.

The meeting stressed that "one deployment, nine implementation". The whole city should take the opportunity of carrying out Party discipline learning and education, further improve the style of work, pay close attention to the implementation, continue to strengthen the political responsibility of economic work, clarify the division of responsibilities, refine the work tasks, focus on the work of officers and entrepreneurship, and promote the implementation of various work tasks to achieve actual results.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

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