Gangba County Public Security Bureau deployed flood control and drought relief risk troubleshooting and rectification work
2024-05-27 17:09:04      Source: Gangba Public Security

In order to further improve the investigation and rectification of flood control and drought relief risk hazards, effectively prevent and resolve major flood and drought risk hazards, and fully guarantee the safety of people's lives and property in the area under its jurisdiction, Gangba County Public Security Bureau recently held a deployment meeting for the investigation and rectification of flood control and drought relief risk hazards.

At the meeting, the spirit of the instructions of the main leaders of the study area and city on the investigation and rectification of flood control and drought relief risk hazards and the Notice of the Tibetan Autonomous Region Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Office on Further Strengthening the Investigation and Rectification of Flood Control and Drought Relief Risk Hazards throughout the Region were conveyed, and the relevant work was arranged and deployed.

The meeting required that all departments should resolutely put an end to the investigation and rectification of "looseness and weakness" and engage in formality. They should always adhere to safety first and prevention first, further enhance risk awareness and responsibility awareness, improve the responsibility system for hidden danger investigation and rectification, and achieve horizontal to the edge and vertical to the end; It is necessary to highlight the problem orientation, goal orientation and result orientation, clarify the focus of inspection work, achieve the goal of "going straight to the problem, focusing on the problem correction", and go deep into each jurisdiction to highlight the "six troubleshooting" action; It is necessary to adhere to the bottom line thinking, find and solve problems by hard work. For the problems that affect the safety of flood control, such as the hidden dangers of important flood control works and the obstacles of flood discharge in the river course, those who are able to make such changes are determined to do so. Those who are unable to do so should work with relevant functional departments to clarify the time schedule and ensure that the risk hazards are rectified in place before the main flood season; It is necessary to improve the quality of rectification of risk hazards, do a good job in the investigation and rectification of flood control and drought relief hazards, implement the management of the list of problems, responsibilities and measures, complete on schedule, and dynamically cancel the number, form a mechanism of responsibility review of risk hazards rectification, and strictly investigate and deal with those who are not responsible for or in place of the investigation and rectification of risk hazards.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

Host: Gamba County People's Government Address: No.1 Guihua Road, Gangba County, Shigatse, Tibet Tel: 0892-8232152
Website ID: 5423380001 Record No.: Zang ICP Bei No. 14000078 Zanggong Anbei No. 540226020000001
Technical support: Tibet Media Group