Xiongba Township of Angren County will carry out the adjustment of rural subsistence allowance in 2024
2024-05-09 17:25:53      Source: released by Ang Jen

In order to ensure the smooth completion of the dynamic adjustment of the subsistence security policy for urban and rural residents in Xiongba Township in 2024, recently, the civil affairs professionals of Xiongba Township, Anren County went to four administrative villages to carry out the visit and verification of rural subsistence security personnel.

In the process of entering the household, the staff strictly followed the requirements of the Measures for the Implementation of the Minimum Living Security in the Tibet Autonomous Region to implement the dynamic management mechanism of "pay as much as you can", "pay as much as you can", "pay as much as you can", "pay as you can", and "pay as much as you can". They checked house by house, learned about the means of production, the number of families, the income and expenditure of families, and the existing difficulties of each family, and made detailed records, Ensure that families in line with the policy enjoy the comprehensive security policy in a timely manner. At the same time, the staff patiently and meticulously explained the minimum living allowance relief policy and other social assistance security policies to the applicants, which effectively improved the awareness of the masses on various relief policies.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

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