Pang Jian Teaches Special Party Lessons on Learning and Education of Party Discipline for Cadres of Units in Charge
2024-05-31 15:59:32      Source: released by Ang Jen

On May 29, Pang Jian, member of the Standing Committee of the Anren County Party Committee and executive deputy county head, focused on "learning, knowing, observing and abiding by discipline", gave a special party lesson on party discipline learning and education to the main principals of the county government office, the county finance bureau, the county housing construction bureau, the county emergency management bureau, the county forestry and grass bureau, the county urban management bureau and the county fire rescue brigade.

It was pointed out in the class that to carry out Party discipline learning and education throughout the Party is a major decision made by the Party Central Committee, and also an important measure to strengthen the Party discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to develop in depth. This time, the Party discipline learning and education is time intensive, the task is heavy, and the requirements are high. We must keep the strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere to the end. Party members and cadres should learn more, ponder over the "essence" in in-depth reading, absorb the "essence" in deep understanding, recognize their important responsibilities and missions in the party discipline learning and education, and take cases as a lesson, so as to strengthen the "aspiration in the heart" and better understand the "direction of travel".

In class, it is required to establish a firm ideal and belief in the learning and education of party discipline, do a solid job and put it into practice, so as to be "methodical" in the face of problems, "courageous" in the face of challenges, combine theory and practice, move towards a more brilliant and beautiful future in the broad march forward, and carry forward the fine style of work on the new journey. We need to make strict rectification, adhere to the principle of learning, comparing, inspecting, and making rectification at the same time, so as to understand the law and discipline, know the rules, know the fear, and guard against fear, further enhance the political, disciplinary, moral, and anti-corruption determination, and always be loyal, clean, and responsible.

It was emphasized in the class that through learning and education, we should deeply realize the importance of discipline and understand the serious consequences of violating discipline, so as to constantly enhance the consciousness and firmness of abiding by discipline. We should strengthen our sense of purpose, always be strict with ourselves according to the standards of Communist Party members, be loyal to the Party, consciously accept organizational arrangements and discipline constraints, get used to working and living in an environment subject to supervision and constraints, apply Party rules and discipline to our words and deeds, and strive to be "sensible people" who observe discipline.

After the party lesson, Pang Jian and the heads of the units in charge held a clean government talk one by one, reminding the heads of all units to establish a correct view of power, always be self respecting, self introspecting, self alerting, and self encouraging, adhere to the principle that power is used by the people, emotion is tied to the people, and do more things to rally the hearts of the people, conform to the public opinion, solve their concerns, and seek the interests of the people, and constantly strive to be politically sober, economically sober A clean and honest Party member and cadre.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

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