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Chongqing Delegation Visits Tibet to Investigate and Help Tibet

Chang Chuan Jiang Cuilian
10:33, August 27, 2021 | Source: tibet daily
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In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on his visit to Tibet and the spirit of the seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee, Chen Miner, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, led a Chongqing party and government delegation to Tibet from August 25 to 26 to investigate the work of counterpart assistance to Tibet and visit the vast number of Tibetan aid cadres.

Wu Yingjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, accompanied the survey and presided over the symposium. Zhang Xuan, Director of the Standing Committee of Chongqing Municipal People's Congress, Li Mingqing, Member of the Standing Committee, Secretary General and Director of the General Office of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, Chen Jinshan, Vice Mayor of Chongqing and Director of the Municipal Economic Information Commission, Liu Jiang, Member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Autonomous Region Party Committee, Doto, Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Region People's Congress, and Pubu Dunzhu, Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Changdu Municipal Party Committee, accompanied the survey and attended the symposium.

On the afternoon of 25th, the Chongqing Tibet counterpart support symposium was held in Changdu. In his speech, Chen Miner said that the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Tibet and the spirit of the important speech at the seventh Tibet Work Forum of the Central Committee are precise guidance for Tibet's work and point out the direction for us to do a good job in helping Tibet. Supporting Changdu counterpart is the CPC Central Committee's high trust in Chongqing and the glorious mission of Chongqing. We should jointly implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on doing a good job in Tibet, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence", achieve the "Two Safeguards", keep in mind the "big country", grasp the Party's strategy for Tibet governance in the new era, and grasp the important requirements of counterpart assistance to Tibet, Understand and grasp the important task of strengthening ethnic exchanges and exchanges, write a new chapter in the development of Chongqing's assistance to Tibet, and promote Tibet Chongqing exchanges and cooperation to a new level.

Chen Miner pointed out that the Tibet aid work reflects the remarkable advantages of the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. We should adhere to the principle that all development should give meaning to national unity and progress, improve people's livelihood and rally people's hearts, and help improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of all ethnic groups, so as to do a better job of targeted and effective counterpart support with greater strength. We should focus on consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation, complement the weak points of infrastructure and public services, and continue to promote the overall revitalization of rural areas. We should do a good job of industrial assistance, develop characteristic industries according to local conditions, increase support in investment attraction, production and marketing docking, market development and other aspects, and enhance the endogenous power of Changdu's economic and social development. We should continue to strengthen employment assistance, deepen labor cooperation, and promote stable employment of labor in the recipient areas. We should vigorously strengthen the support for cadres and talents, accurately select a group of outstanding cadres and talents, and care about and support them in their work and entrepreneurship.

On behalf of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, the Chongqing Municipal Government and the people of Chongqing, Chen Miner thanked Tibet for its long-term support and help for Chongqing's development and care for Chongqing's Tibetan aid cadres. He stressed that Tibet is an important national security barrier and ecological security barrier. Chongqing has a unique and important role in the national regional development and opening up pattern. Tibet Chongqing cooperation has a good foundation and large space. It is hoped that both sides will comprehensively deepen exchanges and cooperation, strengthen strategic docking, jointly build ecological barriers, deepen energy cooperation, promote the linkage of culture and tourism, show new achievements in building a new development pattern, and better serve the overall situation of national development.

Wu Yingjie, on behalf of the Party Committee, the government of the autonomous region and cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in the region, extended a warm welcome to the Chongqing party and government delegation for their visit to Tibet, and expressed heartfelt thanks to Chongqing for its long-term selfless support to Tibet. Wu Yingjie said that the CPC Central Committee has always attached great importance to Tibetan work and cared about the Tibetan people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally guided and planned the layout of Tibet work. He has held two central Tibet work symposiums to clarify the Party's strategy for Tibet governance in the new era, pointing out the direction of progress, providing fundamental compliance, and injecting strong impetus into our work in Tibet. After the centennial of the Party's birthday, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally visited Tibet for inspection and guidance. Recently, he wrote an inscription for the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, "Building a beautiful and happy Tibet to realize the great rejuvenation dream". All the people in the region rejoiced and thanked the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee from the bottom of their hearts.

Wu Yingjie briefly introduced the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Tibet and the economic and social development of Tibet in our district, and pointed out that for a long time, the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and the Chongqing Municipal Government have always stood at the overall height of the Party's and the state's work strategies, resolutely implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on implementing the strategy of counterpart assistance to Tibet, Taking counterpart support to Changdu as a major political task has provided great support for promoting Changdu's long-term stability and high-quality development. The counterpart support work has yielded fruitful results in eastern Tibet, producing huge political, economic and social benefits, and writing a magnificent chapter of Tibet assistance work.

Wu Yingjie expressed that he sincerely hoped that Chongqing would continue to care about and support the development of Tibet and further increase its support to Changdu. The Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region will further strengthen the "Four Consciousness", "Four Confidence", and "Two Safeguards", earnestly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his visit to Tibet, earnestly grasp the "Four Major Events", do a good job in receiving aid, and strive to create a new situation of long-term stability and high-quality development in Tibet in a new era, Reward the care and concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the CPC Central Committee with outstanding achievements, and repay the selfless assistance of the people all over the country.

During the investigation in Tibet, Chen Miner led the delegation to visit the "Changdu Achievement Exhibition on the 70th Anniversary of the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet" to learn about the economic and social development of Changdu. In Changdu Economic Development Zone, Chen Miner listened to the introduction of Chongqing's assistance, and went to Tibet Yihefeng Industrial Co., Ltd., a Chongqing aid enterprise, to check the characteristic products and ask about the enterprises' driving the people's income increase. Chen Miner hopes that enterprises can make good use of Changdu's characteristic resources to promote the development of local industries and benefit more farmers and herdsmen. The original ecological cultural city of Sanjiang, built with Chongqing's assistance, has played an important role in promoting the upgrading of tourism industry and helping to overcome poverty. In the exhibition hall of tourism and cultural industry, Chen Miner talked with the inheritors of Thangka in a cordial manner to understand the project's promotion of historical and cultural protection and tourism development. Chen Miner also came to the Changdu People's Hospital to listen to the introduction of medical assistance in Chongqing, and made a field visit to the telemedicine consultation center to encourage Tibetan medical personnel to adhere to the people first and life first, constantly improve the level of medical assistance, and provide better and convenient services for people of all ethnic groups. When visiting the ninth batch of Tibetan aid cadres in Chongqing, Chen Miner said that the Tibetan aid work was sacred and glorious, and the Tibetan aid cadres rooted in the plateau and worked very hard. I hope you will bear in mind the earnest instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, inherit and carry forward the "old Tibetan spirit", strengthen political experience and ideological refinement, take care of your body, pay attention to safety, and do a good job of counterpart support with feelings and responsibilities.

(Editor in charge: Ciren Luobu, Wu Yuren)

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