Sichuan Xinyuansu Technology Co., Ltd
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  • Zhenkang County production liquid wax fuel upgraded fuel sales

    Source: Sichuan Xinyuansu Technology Co., Ltd Time: 2024-06-02 00:45:18 [Report]

    Commercial promotion and application of material technology. To sum up, "the new energy environmental protection fuel technology project, alcohol free fuel of 10000 yuan, seeks market opportunities, carries out demonstration projects, cooperates with relevant enterprises and institutions, and realizes alcohol free fuel technology training in factories with the help of the network and resources of training institutions" provides a rare opportunity for entrepreneurs and enthusiasts in the new energy field. Through systematic training and practical operation, students will master the manufacturing technology of alcohol free fuel, understand the market prospect and business model, and achieve the goal of independent entrepreneurship and sustainable development.

    In addition, the course also provides the use of laboratory equipment and sites, so that students have the opportunity to personally operate and master the manufacturing technology of alcohol free fuel. With the popularization and application of alcohol free fuel technology, more and more entrepreneurs see business opportunities and potential. After the course, students will obtain corresponding training certificates and have the opportunity to participate in follow-up project cooperation and entrepreneurial support.

    Among them, alcohol free fuel technology has become a field of concern. Alcohol free fuel technology refers to the fuel manufacturing based on non-traditional raw materials. Its special features and environmental advantages have attracted the attention of.

    Let's jointly promote the progress of new energy technology and build a sustainable future! New energy environmental protection fuel technology project Alcohol free fuel 10000 yuan in home factory technical training Under the background of environmental protection and sustainable development, the rapid development of new energy field has aroused widespread concern. People are more and more aware of the limitation of traditional fuels and their harm to the environment, so more and more institutions and individuals begin to explore and invest in new fuel technologies.

    In view of the rise of new energy fuel technology, the training of alcohol free kitchen fuel plant has become an important task. The purpose of factory training is to help those who intend to engage in the production of non alcohol kitchen fuel understand relevant technologies and processes, and improve production capacity and efficiency. During the training, the teacher will introduce the production method, operation skills and safety measures of alcohol free kitchen fuel in detail.

    The advantages of alcohol free kitchen fuel are reflected in many aspects., As its main component is biomass resources, it will not produce greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, and has little impact on the environment. Secondly, through the application of the new production process, alcohol free kitchen fuel has higher combustion efficiency, which can better meet people's energy needs.

    Label: Town production liquid wax fuel upgrade, Kangxian liquid wax fuel upgrade, production liquid wax fuel upgrade, industrial liquid wax fuel upgrade

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  • Sichuan Xinyuansu Technology Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
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  • 1 day
  • New source element
  • Limited liability company (invested or controlled by natural person)
  • 2016-03-31
  • Fuel vegetable oil, fuel vegetable oil cooker, vegetable oil
  • Sichuan Chengdu 2, Building 58, No. 8 Qingyang Avenue, Qingyang District, Chengdu

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Xie Longbo


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Name: Sichuan Xinyuansu Technology Co., Ltd
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Address: No. 1-5, Floor 2, Building 58, No. 8 Qingyang Avenue, Qingyang District, Chengdu
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Fuel vegetable oil, fuel vegetable oil cooker, vegetable oil fuel technology, fuel vegetable oil joining

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