Sichuan Xinyuansu Technology Co., Ltd
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  • Sixth generation telephone consultation of alcohol free fuel in Dazi County, Lhasa, Tibet

    Source: Sichuan Xinyuansu Technology Co., Ltd Time: 2024-06-26 14:10:13 [Report]

    Vegetable oil environmental protection new energy fuel technology is an innovative method of preparing bio methyl ester alcohol free fuel from vegetable oil. This fuel is not only environmentally friendly, but also can effectively reduce dependence on fossil fuels, thereby reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change. In Qujing, Yunnan, the promotion and application of this technology will have an important impact on local energy conservation and emission reduction.

    The preparation process of bio methyl alcohol free fuel formula is very simple, mainly including raw material preparation, reaction preparation, separation and purification, etc., Vegetable oil is selected as raw material to obtain the primary product of bio methyl ester alcohol free fuel through transesterification and esterification; Then, the preliminary product is separated and purified through distillation, crystallization and filtration to finally obtain a pure fuel product. The preparation process is simple and raw materials are easy to obtain, which is suitable for popularization and application in Qujing, Yunnan.

    In Lijiang, Yunnan, a new energy fuel company committed to environmental protection and sustainable development is developing in the industry. The company focuses on the processing of vegetable oil non alcohol fuel and the production of bio methanol fuel, becoming one of the local influential green energy manufacturers.

    The exploration of commercial new energy fuel technology in Lijiang, Yunnan is accelerating by introducing modern technology and combining the advantages of local resources. With the continuous innovation and improvement of technology, I believe that this company will walk more steadily on the road of promoting the development of local green energy industry, and make contributions to building a beautiful and livable ecological city.

    At present, with the vigorous development of green energy industry, it is undoubtedly a wise move to choose to cooperate with biological water-based fuels in Zhaotong, Yunnan. As a regional partner, you will work together with a team with rich technology and experience to share the business opportunities brought by environmental protection and new energy. The company's production equipment and scientific research strength can provide support and guarantee for partners and help them develop together.

    As a restaurant operator, choosing a vegetable oil fuel furnace with such a performance can not only improve work efficiency, but also pay attention to environmental protection and energy conservation, and win more consumers' recognition. In actual use, this vegetable oil fuel stove in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province also shows excellent stability and durability. Material selection, solid structure.

    Label: the sixth generation of alcohol free fuel in Tibet, the sixth generation of alcohol free fuel with multi-function, the sixth generation of alcohol free fuel in Sichuan, and the sixth generation of alcohol free fuel with multi-function

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  • Sichuan Xinyuansu Technology Co., Ltd
  • Mobile phone has been certified
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  • 1 day
  • New source element
  • Limited liability company (invested or controlled by natural person)
  • 2016-03-31
  • Fuel vegetable oil, fuel vegetable oil cooker, vegetable oil
  • Sichuan Chengdu 2, Building 58, No. 8 Qingyang Avenue, Qingyang District, Chengdu

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Xie Longbo


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Name: Sichuan Xinyuansu Technology Co., Ltd
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Address: No. 1-5, Floor 2, Building 58, No. 8 Qingyang Avenue, Qingyang District, Chengdu
Main products
Fuel vegetable oil, fuel vegetable oil cooker, vegetable oil fuel technology, fuel vegetable oil joining

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