Dream Journey to the West 3D Edition mobile game - Netease taste level open adventure mobile game

Dream Journey to the West 3D Edition mobile game - Netease taste level open adventure mobile game
Dream Journey to the West 3D Edition, mobile game, new home playing method online

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  • 1. This game is a real-time role-playing mobile game, which is suitable for users aged 12 and above. It is recommended that minors use the game product under the supervision of their parents. We encourage parents to manage their game behavior according to the actual situation of minors. Parents can follow the WeChat public account of "NetEase Parent Care Platform", call the official customer service telephone 95163611 or log in to NetEase Parent Care Platform( https://jiazhang.gm.163.com/convoy/ )See specific guidelines. This game is a virtual scene and plot. Please do not immerse yourself in the game or imitate relevant behaviors in real life.

    2. This game is based on the relevant stories of Journey to the West, with some adaptations based on historical events, but it will not be confused with real life. The game has bright colors and bright music. The play method is based on the thinking judgment and physical operation of certain difficulty. There is a team play method that needs the cooperation of many people, and players are encouraged to reach their goals through communication, thinking and improvement. There is a stranger social system based on voice and text in the game, but the management of the social system follows relevant laws and regulations.

    3. There is a user real name authentication system in the game, and users who are not real name accounts cannot log in to the game. Users who are authenticated as minors will be subject to the following management: Some play methods and props in the game need to be paid. Can't recharge and consume under 8 years old (not included); For minor users over 8 years old but under 16 years old, the single recharge amount shall not exceed 50 yuan, and the cumulative monthly recharge amount shall not exceed 200 yuan; For minor users over 16 years old, the single recharge amount shall not exceed 100 yuan, and the cumulative monthly recharge amount shall not exceed 400 yuan. Minor players can log in to the game from 20pm to 21pm every day on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays. They cannot log in to the game at other times.

    4. This game takes Chinese classical mythology as the theme, and the creation of character design, background music, plot story, etc. has incorporated a large number of Chinese traditional cultural elements, which helps to spread Chinese traditional culture. Players can communicate and cooperate with each other to complete the game goals, which can bring positive and pleasant emotional experience to players. The game has a team playing mode, which requires players to cooperate and help each other to complete the game tasks, which is helpful to cultivate players' teamwork ability; The game playing method has a strong strategic nature, which helps to train the players' thinking ability.