•  Ice gift pack
  •  Create role guidance
  •  Basic Role Operations
  •  Novice quick upgrade
  •  How to make money for beginners
  •  1-10 Weighted attack strategy
  •  One turn must read
  •  11-14 Weighing Strategy
  •  Teach you to obtain 1-6 mounts
  •  Second turn required reading
  •  Three turn required reading


Dear players! What you are seeing now is the novice theme of the classic domestic online game masterpiece "New Dahua Westward Journey 2", where you can learn the latest and most comprehensive knowledge and strategies of novices. This theme is created by the new Dahua Westward Journey 2 section of Yezhu Game Network. Its purpose is very simple. I hope it can help novices quickly play the classic domestic game "New Dahua Westward Journey 2".

Dahua Westward Journey Online II is a large-scale online game masterpiece independently developed and operated by NetEase. Since its launch, she has been loved by 150 million registered users and won many awards for her exquisite and authentic Chinese painting style and rich and interesting game playing methods. Now, she has been developing steadily for 11 years. In the history of online games, she can be said to be an evergreen tree.

First time in Jianghu

 New video guide of fishing village
New video guide of fishing village

New Dahua Westward Journey 2 star level video production player Monkey Warrior brings you a new version of the fishing village video novice guidance system at the first time. Let's follow the monkey lens to experience this magical world.

 New version of image and text guidance for fishing villages
New version of image and text guidance for fishing villages

New players will come to Donghai Fishing Village to report at the first time, and novices can complete the novice upgrade task according to the task tracking tips. Of course, as long as you operate quickly, you can upgrade to Level 20 and reach the prosperous Chang'an City in a few minutes. Then you just need to continue tracking your unfinished novice tasks, and the first phase of the upgrade will be completed successfully.

Is this game fun?

  •  Control first
  •  Auxiliary first
  •  Firepower output
  •  be equally good at offence and defense
 Liu Zhenwei Joins NetEase
Liu Zhenwei Joins NetEase

Recently, the information about Liu Zhenwei's joining NetEase has become popular in the entire entertainment industry and online game industry. Some media even think that Ding Lei is going to enter the entertainment industry, so they invited Liu Zhenwei to make a movie together. In fact, it is "old news" that Liu Zhenwei joined NetEase. As early as two years ago, Liu Zhenwei frequently appeared in the Guangzhou NetEase Building, and personally participated in the game development in all aspects.

 Li Bingbing's endorsement
Li Bingbing's endorsement

On August 9, the identity of the mysterious first-line actress of New Dahua Westward Journey 2 was revealed: Li Bingbing, the queen of Huabiao Award and Hundred Flowers Award, officially announced her deep participation in New Dahua Westward Journey 2.

Daily Task

  •  Dart Seizing Game
  •  Daily aromatherapy
  •  Imperial Imperial Examination
  •  Havoc in heaven
  •  Sect War
  •  Weekend Task
  •  Weekend mission, gang alliance station


Leaf Pig exclusively planned the novice theme of New Dahua Westward Journey 2. From character selection to early attribute selection, to later equipment and summoning beast creation and recommendation, it has designed a "assembly line" operation tailored for new players. I hope you can help us play the game.

It is believed that many old players who have been playing for five, eight and eleven years have had feelings. Since they came into contact with Dahua, from Dahua 1 to Dahua 2 to Xindahua Westward Journey 2, along the way, there have been many bitter tears, joys and sorrows here. How many eleven years have people lived in this life? If you ever loved, please love again with us on September 5.