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Fantastic Westward Journey 2 Attributes Regardless of the Noble or the Inferior Full service Most Powerful Equipment Appreciation

    Attribute regardless of the high or low, I ran into a set of super anti Turkish male ghost equipment? In your opinion, how about this equipment?

General property town building
Ketu Furious Weapon
Ketu Three Corpse Frenzy Chain
Stoichiometric step
Class V hat
Ketu Countershock Degree and probability 60+clothes
Four Resistance Earth Subduing Amulet

Body protection
Star card

This one suit How are you looking? Is the attribute exploding? It seems that as long as you use your heart, all attributes are great gods!

[Editor: Ning Caishen]

Leaf Pig Dahua 2 - Warm Tips:

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The actual equipment points out the problem of neglecting the match of artillery and strong French artillery

The final test on the topic of "strong French cannon" and "ignoring cannon"

How shy! This player treasures many big breasted sisters to appreciate

14 year old player shows details of painstaking efforts and asks for identification

Again, this time explain how to lead a brilliant chaos

Pointed out that ignoring the match of artillery and strong French artillery

Ignore the final test of gun topic

This player treasures several big breasted sisters to appreciate

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